Showing posts with label Definitions and Propositions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Definitions and Propositions. Show all posts


552: Affine Subset of Finite-Dimensional Real Vectors Space Is Spanned by Finite Affine-Independent Set of Base Points

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description/proof of that affine subset of finite-dimensional real vectors space is spanned by finite affine-independent set of base points


About: vectors space

The table of contents of this article

Starting Context

Target Context

  • The reader will have a description and a proof of the proposition that any affine subset of any finite-dimensional real vectors space is spanned by a finite affine-independent set of base points.


There is a list of definitions discussed so far in this site.

There is a list of propositions discussed so far in this site.

Main Body

1: Structured Description

Here is the rules of Structured Description.

\(V\): \(\in \{\text{ the } d \text{ -dimensional real vectors spaces }\}\)
\(S\): \(\subseteq V\), \(\in \{\text{ the affine subsets of } V\}\)

\(\exists \{p_0, ..., p_n\} \in \{\text{ the affine-independent sets of points on } V\} \text{ where } 0 \le n \le d (S = \{\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j p_j \in V \vert t^j \in \mathbb{R}, \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j = 1\})\).

2: Natural Language Description

For any \(d\)-dimensional real vectors space, \(V\), any affine subset, \(S \subseteq V\), is the affine set spanned by an affine-independent set of some \(n\) points, \(\{p_0, ..., p_n\}\), where \(0 \le n \le d\).

3: Proof

Let us denote the affine subset spanned by \(\{p_0, ..., p_n\}\), as \(A (\{p_0, ..., p_n\})\).

When \(S\) has no point, \(S = A (\{\})\).

When \(S\) has only 1 point, \(p_0\), \(S = A (\{p_0\})\).

Let us suppose that \(S\) has more than 1 point.

Let us take any distinct points, \(p_0, p_1 \in S\).

\(\{p_0, p_1\}\) is an affine-independent set of points. \(A (\{p_0, p_1\}) \subseteq S\), because for each \(p = \sum_{j = 0 \sim 1} t^j p_j\) where \(\sum_{j = 0 \sim 1} t^j = 1\), \(p = p_1 + t^0 p_0 + (t^1 - 1) p_1 = p_1 + t^0 p_0 - t^0 p_1 = p_1 + t^0 (p_0 - p_1) \in S\).

If \(A (\{p_0, p_1\}) = S\), we are finished.

Otherwise, there is a point, \(p_2 \in S\), such that \(p_2 \notin A (\{p_0, p_1\})\).

\(\{p_0, p_1, p_2\}\) is affine-independent, because \(p_1 - p_0, p_2 - p_0\) are linearly independent, because otherwise, \(p_2 - p_0\) would be a scalar multiple of \(p_1 - p_0\), which would mean \(p_2 \in A (\{p_0, p_1\})\). \(A (\{p_0, p_1, p_2\}) \subseteq S\), because for each \(p = \sum_{j = 0 \sim 2} t^j p_j\) where \(\sum_{j = 0 \sim 2} t^j = 1\) and \(p_2 \neq 1\), which means that \(\sum_{j = 0 \sim 1} t^j \neq 0\), \(p = p_2 + \sum_{j = 0 \sim 1} t^j p_j + (t^2 - 1) p_2 = p_2 + \sum_{j = 0 \sim 1} t^j p_j - (\sum_{j = 0 \sim 1} t^j) p_2 = p_2 + \sum_{j = 0 \sim 1} t^j ((\sum_{j = 0 \sim 1} t^j p_j) / \sum_{j = 0 \sim 1} t^j - p_2) \in S\), because \((\sum_{j = 0 \sim 1} t^j p_j) / \sum_{j = 0 \sim 1} t^j \in A (\{p_0, p_1\}) \subseteq S\), because \(\sum_{j = 0 \sim 1} t^j / \sum_{j = 0 \sim 1} t^j = 1\); when \(p_2 = 1\), \(p = p_2 \in S\).

If \(A (\{p_0, p_1, p_2\}) = S\), we are finished.

Otherwise, there is a point, \(p_3 \in S\), such that \(p_3 \notin A (\{p_0, p_1, p_2\})\).

\(\{p_0, p_1, p_2, p_3\}\) is affine-independent, because \(p_1 - p_0, p_2 - p_0, p_3 - p_0\) are linearly independent, because otherwise, \(p_3 - p_0\) would be a linear combination of \(p_1 - p_0, p_2 - p_0\), which would mean \(p_3 \in A (\{p_0, p_1, p_2\})\). \(A (\{p_0, p_1, p_2, p_3\}) \subseteq S\), because for each \(p = \sum_{j = 0 \sim 3} t^j p_j\) where \(\sum_{j = 0 \sim 3} t^j = 1\) and \(p_3 \neq 1\), which means that \(\sum_{j = 0 \sim 2} t^j \neq 0\), \(p = p_3 + \sum_{j = 0 \sim 2} t^j p_j + (t^3 - 1) p_3 = p_3 + \sum_{j = 0 \sim 2} t^j p_j - (\sum_{j = 0 \sim 2} t^j) p_3 = p_3 + \sum_{j = 0 \sim 2} t^j ((\sum_{j = 0 \sim 2} t^j p_j) / \sum_{j = 0 \sim 2} t^j - p_3) \in S\), because \((\sum_{j = 0 \sim 2} t^j p_j) / \sum_{j = 0 \sim 2} t^j \in A (\{p_0, p_1, p_2\}) \subseteq S\), because \(\sum_{j = 0 \sim 2} t^j / \sum_{j = 0 \sim 2} t^j = 1\); when \(p_3 = 1\), \(p = p_3 \in S\).

And so on.

After all, \(A (\{p_0, p_1, p_2, ..., p_n\}) = S\) for an \(n \le d\), because any more-than-\(d\) vectors cannot be independent on \(V\).

So, \(S\) is the affine set spanned by \(\{p_1, ..., p_n\}\).


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551: Convex Subset of Real Vectors Space

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definition of convex subset of real vectors space


About: vectors space

The table of contents of this article

Starting Context

Target Context

  • The reader will have a definition of convex subset of real vectors space.


There is a list of definitions discussed so far in this site.

There is a list of propositions discussed so far in this site.

Main Body

1: Structured Description

Here is the rules of Structured Description.

\( V\): \(\in \text{ the real vectors spaces }\)
\(*S\): \(\subseteq V\)

\(\forall p_1, p_2 \in S, \forall t \in \mathbb{R} \text{ such that } 0 \le t \le 1 (p_1 + t (p_2 - p_1) \in S)\).

2: Natural Language Description

For any real vectors space, \(V\), any subset, \(S \subseteq V\), such that \(\forall p_1, p_2 \in S, \forall t \in \mathbb{R} \text{ such that } 0 \le t \le 1 (p_1 + t (p_2 - p_1) \in S)\)


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550: Affine Subset of Real Vectors Space

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definition of affine subset of real vectors space


About: vectors space

The table of contents of this article

Starting Context

Target Context

  • The reader will have a definition of affine subset of real vectors space.


There is a list of definitions discussed so far in this site.

There is a list of propositions discussed so far in this site.

Main Body

1: Structured Description

Here is the rules of Structured Description.

\( V\): \(\in \text{ the real vectors spaces }\)
\(*S\): \(\subseteq V\)

\(\forall p_1, p_2 \in S, \forall t \in \mathbb{R} (p_1 + t (p_2 - p_1) \in S)\).

2: Natural Language Description

For any real vectors space, \(V\), any subset, \(S \subseteq V\), such that \(\forall p_1, p_2 \in S, \forall t \in \mathbb{R} (p_1 + t (p_2 - p_1) \in S)\)


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549: Affine Map from Affine or Convex Set Spanned by Possibly-Non-Affine-Independent Set of Base Points on Real Vectors Space Is Linear

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description/proof of that affine map from affine or convex set spanned by possibly-non-affine-independent set of base points on real vectors space is linear


About: vectors space

The table of contents of this article

Starting Context

Target Context

  • The reader will have a description and a proof of the proposition that any affine map from the affine or convex set spanned by any possibly-non-affine-independent set of base points on any real vectors space is linear.


There is a list of definitions discussed so far in this site.

There is a list of propositions discussed so far in this site.

Main Body

1: Structured Description

Here is the rules of Structured Description.

\(V_1\): \(\in \{\text{ the real vectors spaces }\}\)
\(V_2\): \(\in \{\text{ the real vectors spaces }\}\)
\(\{p_0, ..., p_n\}\): \(\subseteq V_1\), \(\in \{\text{ the possibly-non-affine-independent sets of base points on } V_1\}\)
\(S\): \(= \text{ the affine or convex set spanned by } \{p_0, ..., p_n\}\)
\(f\): \(: S \to V_2\), \(\in \{\text{ the affine maps }\}\)

\(f \in \{\text{ the linear maps }\}\); especially, \(f (\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j p_j) = \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j f (p_j)\) when \(\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j = 1\) or \(\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j = 1 \land 0 \le t^j\).

2: Natural Language Description

For any real vectors spaces, \(V_1, V_2\), any possibly non-affine-independent set of base points, \(\{p_0, ..., p_n\} \subseteq V_1\), and the affine or convex set spanned by the set of the base points, \(S \subseteq V_1\), any affine map, \(f: S \to V_2\), is linear. Especially, \(f (\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j p_j) = \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j f (p_j)\) when \(\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j = 1\) or \(\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j = 1 \land 0 \le t^j\).

3: Note

Saying about "linear", \(S\) is not really any vectors space in general. This proposition is talking about being \(f (r_1 s_1 + ... + r_m s_m) = r_1 f (s_1) + ... + r_m f (s_m)\) whenever \(s_1, ..., s_m \in S\) and \(r_1 s_1 + ... + r_m s_m \in S\).

4: Proof

\(f\) is defined based on an affine-independent subset of the base points, \(\{p'_0, ..., p'_k\} \subseteq \{p_0, ..., p_n\}\), that spans \(S\).

Let \(s_1, ..., s_m \in S\) be any points. \(s_l = \sum_{j = 0 \sim k} t'^j_l p'_j\). Let \(r^1, ..., r^m \in \mathbb{R}\) be any such that \(r^1 s_1 + ... + r^m s_m \in S\).

\(f (r^1 s_1 + ... + r^m s_m) = f (r^1 \sum_{j = 0 \sim k} t'^j_1 p'_j + ... + r^m \sum_{j = 0 \sim k} t'^j_m p'_j) = f (\sum_{j = 0 \sim k} ((r^1 t'^j_1 + ... + r^m t'^j_m) p'_j)) = \sum_{j = 0 \sim k} ((r^1 t'^j_1 + ... + r^m t'^j_m) f (p'_j)) = \sum_{j = 0 \sim k} (r^1 t'^j_1 f (p'_j)) + ... + \sum_{j = 0 \sim k} (r^m t'^j_m f (p'_j)) = r^1 f (\sum_{j = 0 \sim k} (t'^j_1 p'_j)) + ... + r^m f (\sum_{j = 0 \sim k} (t'^j_m p'_j)) = r^1 f (s_1) + ... + r^m f (s_m)\).

As \(p_j \in S\) and \(\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j p_j \in S\) when \(\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j = 1\) or \(\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j = 1 \land 0 \le t^j\), \(f (\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j p_j) = \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j f (p_j)\). So, although \(f\) is defined based on \(\{p'_0, ..., p'_k\}\), the expected expansion holds.


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548: Affine Map from Convex Set Spanned by Possibly-Non-Affine-Independent Set of Base Points on Real Vectors Space

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definition of affine map from convex set spanned by possibly-non-affine-independent set of base points on real vectors space


About: vectors space

The table of contents of this article

Starting Context

Target Context

  • The reader will have a definition of affine map from convex set spanned by possibly-non-affine-independent set of base points on real vectors space.


There is a list of definitions discussed so far in this site.

There is a list of propositions discussed so far in this site.

Main Body

1: Structured Description

Here is the rules of Structured Description.

\( V_1\): \(\in \{\text{ the real vectors spaces }\}\)
\( V_2\): \(\in \{\text{ the real vectors spaces }\}\)
\( \{p_0, ..., p_n\}\): \(\subseteq V_1\), \(\in \{\text{ the possibly-non-affine-independent sets of base points on } V_1\}\)
\( S\): \(= \{\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j p_j \in V \vert t^j \in \mathbb{R}, \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j = 1 \land 0 \le t^j\}\)
\(*f\): \(: S \to V_2\)

\(f\) is the domain restriction of any affine map from the affine set spanned by the set of the base points.

2: Natural Language Description

For any real vectors spaces, \(V_1, V_2\), any possibly-non-affine-independent set of base points, \(\{p_0, ..., p_n\} \subseteq V_1\), and the convex set spanned by the set of the base points, \(S := \{\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j p_j \in V \vert t^j \in \mathbb{R}, \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j = 1 \land 0 \le t^j\}\), any map, \(f: S \to V_2\), that is the domain restriction of any affine map from the affine set spanned by the set of the base points

3: Note

\(f\) cannot be defined as an affine map from the affine simplex spanned by an affine-independent subset of the base points, because generally, the affine simplex does not cover \(S\) (see the proposition that the convex set spanned by a non-affine-independent set of base points on a real vectors space is not necessarily any affine simplex spanned by an affine-independent subset of the base points).

Still, \(f\) is linear with respect to the base points, by the proposition that any affine map from the affine or convex set spanned by any possibly-non-affine-independent base points is linear.


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547: Affine Map from Affine Set Spanned by Possibly-Non-Affine-Independent Set of Base Points on Real Vectors Space

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definition of affine map from affine set spanned by possibly-non-affine-independent set of base points on real vectors space


About: vectors space

The table of contents of this article

Starting Context

Target Context

  • The reader will have a definition of affine map from affine set spanned by possibly-non-affine-independent set of base points on real vectors space.


There is a list of definitions discussed so far in this site.

There is a list of propositions discussed so far in this site.

Main Body

1: Structured Description

Here is the rules of Structured Description.

\( V_1\): \(\in \{\text{ the real vectors spaces }\}\)
\( V_2\): \(\in \{\text{ the real vectors spaces }\}\)
\( \{p_0, ..., p_n\}\): \(\subseteq V_1\), \(\in \{\text{ the possibly-non-affine-independent sets of base points on } V_1\}\)
\( S\): \(= \{\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j p_j \in V \vert t^j \in \mathbb{R}, \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j = 1\}\)
\(*f\): \(: S \to V_2\)

For an affine-independent subset of the base points, \(\{p'_0, ..., p'_k\} \subseteq \{p_0, ..., p_n\}\), that spans \(S\), \(f: \sum_{j = 0 \sim k} t'^j p'_j \mapsto \sum_{j = 0 \sim k} t'^j f (p'_j)\), where each \(f (p'_j)\) can be chosen arbitrarily.

2: Natural Language Description

For any real vectors spaces, \(V_1, V_2\), any possibly-non-affine-independent set of base points, \(\{p_0, ..., p_n\} \subseteq V_1\), and the affine set spanned by the set of the base points, \(S := \{\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j p_j \in V_1 \vert t^j \in \mathbb{R}, \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j = 1\}\), any map, \(f: S \to V_2\), such that for an affine-independent subset of the base points, \(\{p'_0, ..., p'_k\} \subseteq \{p_0, ..., p_n\}\), that spans \(S\), \(f: \sum_{j = 0 \sim k} t'^j p'_j \mapsto \sum_{j = 0 \sim k} t'^j f (p'_j)\), where each \(f (p'_j)\) can be chosen arbitrarily

3: Note

Such an affine-independent subset of the base points always exists, by the proposition that the affine set spanned by any non-affine-independent set of base points on any real vectors space is the affine set spanned by an affine-independent subset of the base points.

\(f\) is well-defined, because the coefficients, \((t'^1, ..., t'^k)\), are uniquely determined for each point on \(S\) once the subset is determined.

\(f\) cannot be defined based on the original base points like that, because \(f (p_j)\) s cannot be chosen arbitrarily (for example, when \(p_2 = p_0 + 2 (p_1 - p_0)\), \(f (p_2) = - f (p_0) + 2 f (p_1)\)) and the coefficients are not uniquely determined.

But still, \(f\) is linear with respect to the base points, by the proposition that any affine map from the affine or convex set spanned by any possibly-non-affine-independent base points is linear.


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546: Face of Orientated Affine Simplex

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definition of face of orientated affine simplex


About: vectors space

The table of contents of this article

Starting Context

Target Context

  • The reader will have a definition of face of orientated affine simplex.


There is a list of definitions discussed so far in this site.

There is a list of propositions discussed so far in this site.

Main Body

1: Structured Description

Here is the rules of Structured Description.

\( V\): \(\in \{\text{ the real vectors spaces }\}\)
\( \{p_0, ..., p_n\}\): \(\subseteq V\), \(\in \{\text{ the affine-independent sets of base points on } V\}\)
\( (p_0, ..., p_n)\): \(= \text{ the orientated affine simplex }\)
\(*face_j ((p_0, ..., p_n))\): \(= (-1)^j (p_0, ..., \hat{p_j}, ..., p_n)\), where the hat mark denotes that the element is missing


\(face_j ((p_0, ..., p_n))\) is called \(j\)-th face of \((p_0, ..., p_n)\).

As \((p_0, ..., p_n) = (\sigma_0, ..., \sigma_n)\) for any even-parity permutation, \(\sigma\), of \((p_0, ..., p_n)\), the \(j\)-th face of \((p_0, ..., p_n)\) is not necessarily the \(j\)-th face of \((\sigma_0, ..., \sigma_n)\) (it cannot be when \(p_j \neq \sigma_j\)), but \(p_j = \sigma_k\) for a \(k\), and in fact, \(face_j ((p_0, ..., p_n)) = face_k ((\sigma_0, ..., \sigma_n))\) (proved in Note). So, although the term, "\(j\)-th face", requires the specification of the representation which \(j\) refers to, the face with the removed base point specified does not depend on the representation.

2: Natural Language Description

For any real vectors space, \(V\), and any affine-independent set of base points, \(\{p_0, ..., p_n\} \subseteq V\), and the orientated affine simplex, \((p_0, ..., p_n)\), the \(j\)-th face of \((p_0, ..., p_n)\), \(face_j ((p_0, ..., p_n))\) is \((-1)^j (p_0, ..., \hat{p_j}, ..., p_n)\)

3: Note

Let us prove that when \((p_0, ..., p_n) = (\sigma_0, ..., \sigma_n)\), \(face_j ((p_0, ..., p_n)) = face_k ((\sigma_0, ..., \sigma_n))\) where \(p_j = \sigma_k\).

Let us suppose that \(j \le k\) without loss of generality.

\((p_0, ..., p_n)\) is permutated by the \(k - j\) switches such that \(p_j\) is at the \(k\)-th position: \(p_j\) and \(p_{j + 1}\) are switched; then, \(p_j\) and \(p_{j + 2}\) are switched; ...; then, \(p_j\) and \(p_{k}\) are switched. The result is permutated by some \(x\) switches to become \((\sigma_0, ..., \sigma_n)\): as \(p_j\) was already at the \(k\)-th position, it is permutating only the other points. \(k - j + x\) is even, \(2 m\), because \((p_0, ..., p_n)\) and \((\sigma_0, ..., \sigma_n)\) have the same parity. But \((p_0, ..., \hat{p_j}, ..., p_n)\) is permutated to become \((\sigma_0, ..., \hat{\sigma_k}, ..., \sigma_n)\) by the \(x\) switches, obviously, which means that \((\sigma_0, ..., \hat{\sigma_k}, ..., \sigma_n) = (-1)^x (p_0, ..., \hat{p_j}, ..., p_n)\), which means that \((-1)^j (-1)^x (\sigma_0, ..., \hat{\sigma_k}, ..., \sigma_n) = (-1)^j (-1)^x (-1)^x (p_0, ..., \hat{p_j}, ..., p_n)\), which means that \((-1)^{j + x} (\sigma_0, ..., \hat{\sigma_k}, ..., \sigma_n) = (-1)^j (p_0, ..., \hat{p_j}, ..., p_n)\), but \(k + j + x = k - j + x + 2 j = 2 m + 2 j\), which means that when \(j + x\) is even, \(k\) is even; when \(j + x\) is odd, \(k\) is odd, which means that \((-1)^{j + x} = (-1)^k\), and so, \((-1)^k (\sigma_0, ..., \hat{\sigma_k}, ..., \sigma_n) = (-1)^j (p_0, ..., \hat{p_j}, ..., p_n)\).

We said that \(j \le k\) is without loss of generality, because otherwise, \((\sigma_0, ..., \sigma_n)\) can be permutated to \((p_0, ..., p_n)\) instead.


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545: Orientated Affine Simplex

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definition of orientated affine simplex


About: vectors space

The table of contents of this article

Starting Context

Target Context

  • The reader will have a definition of orientated affine simplex.


There is a list of definitions discussed so far in this site.

There is a list of propositions discussed so far in this site.

Main Body

1: Structured Description

Here is the rules of Structured Description.

\( V\): \(\in \{\text{ the real vectors spaces }\}\)
\( \{p_0, ..., p_n\}\): \(\subseteq V\), \(\in \{\text{ the affine-independent sets of base points on } V\}\)
\(*(p_0, ..., p_n)\): \(= [p_0, ..., p_n]\) with the parity of the order of \((p_0, ..., p_n)\)


\(- (p_0, ..., p_n)\) is \([p_0, ..., p_n]\) with the opposite of the parity of the order of \((p_0, ..., p_n)\).

2: Natural Language Description

For any real vectors space, \(V\), and any affine-independent set of base points, \(\{p_0, ..., p_n\} \subseteq V\), the affine simplex, \([p_0, ..., p_n]\), with the parity of the order of \((p_0, ..., p_n)\)

\(- (p_0, ..., p_n)\) is \([p_0, ..., p_n]\) with the opposite of the parity of the order of \((p_0, ..., p_n)\).

3: Note

For example, \((p_0, p_1, p_2) = (p_1, p_2, p_0) = (p_2, p_0, p_1)\) and \((p_0, p_2, p_1) = (p_1, p_0, p_2) = (p_2, p_1, p_0)\), but \((p_0, p_1, p_2) \neq (p_0, p_2, p_1)\), etc. and \((p_0, p_1, p_2) = - (p_0, p_2, p_1)\), etc..


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544: Standard Simplex

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definition of standard simplex


About: vectors space

The table of contents of this article

Starting Context

Target Context

  • The reader will have a definition of standard simplex.


There is a list of definitions discussed so far in this site.

There is a list of propositions discussed so far in this site.

Main Body

1: Structured Description

Here is the rules of Structured Description.

\( \mathbb{R}^{n + 1}\): as the Euclidean vectors space
\( \{e_1, ..., e_{n + 1}\}\): \(\subseteq \mathbb{R}^{n + 1}\), where \(e_j\) is the unit vector for the \(j\)-th component of \(\mathbb{R}^{n + 1}\)
\(*\Delta^n\): \(= [e_1, ..., e_{n + 1}]\), which is the affine simplex with \(V = \mathbb{R}^{n + 1}\) and \(\{p_0, ..., p_n\} = \{e_1, ..., e_{n + 1}\}\)


2: Natural Language Description

For the Euclidean vectors space, \(\mathbb{R}^{n + 1}\), and the affine-independent set of base points, \(\{e_1, ..., e_{n + 1}\} \subseteq \mathbb{R}^{n + 1}\), where \(e_j\) is the unit vector for the \(j\)-th component of \(\mathbb{R}^{n + 1}\), the affine simplex, \([e_1, ..., e_{n + 1}]\), with \(V = \mathbb{R}^{n + 1}\) and \(\{p_0, ..., p_n\} = \{e_1, ..., e_{n + 1}\}\), denoted as \(\Delta^n\)


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543: Convex Set Spanned by Possibly-Non-Affine-Independent Set of Base Points on Real Vectors Space Is Convex

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description/proof of that convex set spanned by possibly-non-affine-independent set of base points on real vectors space is convex


About: vectors space

The table of contents of this article

Starting Context

Target Context

  • The reader will have a description and a proof of the proposition that the convex set spanned by any possibly-non-affine-independent set of base points on any real vectors space is convex.


There is a list of definitions discussed so far in this site.

There is a list of propositions discussed so far in this site.

Main Body

1: Structured Description

Here is the rules of Structured Description.

\(V\): \(\in \{\text{ the real vectors spaces }\}\)
\(\{p_0, ..., p_n\}\): \(\subseteq V\), \(\in \{\text{ the possibly-non-affine-independent sets of base points on } V\}\)
\(S\): \(= \{\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j p_j \in V \vert t^j \in \mathbb{R}, \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j = 1 \land 0 \le t^j\}\)

\(S \in \{\text{ the convex sets }\}\)

2: Natural Language Description

For any real vectors space, \(V\), and any possibly-non-affine-independent set of base points, \(\{p_0, ..., p_n\} \subseteq V\), the convex set spanned by the set of the base points, \(S := \{\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j p_j \in V \vert t^j \in \mathbb{R}, \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j = 1 \land 0 \le t^j\}\), is convex.

3: Proof

Let \(\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j_1 p_j, \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j_2 p_j \in S\) be any points. S's being convex is about that \(\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j_1 p_j + t (\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j_2 p_j - \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j_1 p_j)\) is on \(S\) whenever \(0 \le t \le 1\).

\(\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j_1 p_j + t (\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j_2 p_j - \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j_1 p_j) = \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} (t^j_1 (1 - t) + t t^j_2) p_j\). \(\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} (t^j_1 (1 - t) + t t^j_2) = \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} (t^j_1 (1 - t)) + \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} (t t^j_2) = (1 - t) \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j_1 + t \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j_2 = 1 - t + t = 1\). \(0 \le t^j_1 (1 - t) + t t^j_2\), because \(0 \le t^j_1, 1 - t, t, t^j_2\).

So, \(\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j_1 p_j + t (\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j_2 p_j - \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j_1 p_j) \in S\) whenever \(0 \le t \le 1\).


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542: Convex Set Spanned by Non-Affine-Independent Set of Base Points on Real Vectors Space Is Not Necessarily Affine Simplex Spanned by Affine-Independent Subset of Base Points

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description/proof of that convex set spanned by non-affine-independent set of base points on real vectors space is not necessarily affine simplex spanned by affine-independent subset of base points


About: vectors space

The table of contents of this article

Starting Context

Target Context

  • The reader will have a description and a proof of the proposition that the convex set spanned by a non-affine-independent set of base points on a real vectors space is not necessarily any affine simplex spanned by an affine-independent subset of the base points.


There is a list of definitions discussed so far in this site.

There is a list of propositions discussed so far in this site.

Main Body

1: Structured Description

Here is the rules of Structured Description.

\(V\): \(\in \{\text{ the real vectors spaces }\}\)
\(\{p_0, ..., p_n\}\): \(\subseteq V\), \(\in \{\text{ the non-affine-independent sets of base points on } V\}\)
\(S\): \(= \{\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j p_j \in V \vert t^j \in \mathbb{R}, \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j = 1 \land 0 \le t^j\}\)

There may not be any \(J \subset \{0, ..., n\}\)
\(\{p_j \vert j \in J\} \in \{\text{ the affine-independent sets of base points on } V\}\)
\(S = \{\sum_{j \in J} t^j p_j \in V \vert t^j \in \mathbb{R}, \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j = 1 \land 0 \le t^j\}\)

2: Natural Language Description

For a real vectors space, \(V\), and a non-affine-independent set of base points, \(\{p_0, ..., p_n\} \subseteq V\), the convex set spanned by the set of the base points, \(S := \{\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j p_j \in V \vert t^j \in \mathbb{R}, \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j = 1 \land 0 \le t^j\}\), is not necessarily any affine simplex spanned by an affine-independent subset of the base points.

3: Proof

A counterexample suffices. Let \(V = \mathbb{R}^2\), the Euclidean vectors space. Let \(\{p_0 = 0, p_1 = e_1, p_2 = e_2, p_3 = e_1 + e_2\} \subseteq V\), where \(\{e_1, e_2\}\) is the standard unit vectors for \(\mathbb{R}^2\), be the set of base points. While \(S\) is the unit square, any affine-independent subset (for example \(\{p_0, p_1, p_2\}\)) of the set of the base points does not span the square as the convex set (succinctly speaking, the square is not any affine simplex, and so, choosing any subset does not help).


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541: Affine Simplex

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definition of affine simplex


About: vectors space

The table of contents of this article

Starting Context

Target Context

  • The reader will have a definition of affine simplex.


There is a list of definitions discussed so far in this site.

There is a list of propositions discussed so far in this site.

Main Body

1: Structured Description

Here is the rules of Structured Description.

\( V\): \(\in \{\text{ the real vectors spaces }\}\)
\( \{p_0, ..., p_n\}\): \(\subseteq V\), \(\in \{\text{ the affine-independent sets of base points on } V\}\)
\(*[p_0, ..., p_n]\): \(= \{\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j p_j \in V \vert t^j \in \mathbb{R}, \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j = 1 \land 0 \le t^j\}\)


\([p_0, p_1, ..., p_n]\) is called affine n-simplex.

2: Natural Language Description

For any real vectors space, \(V\), and any affine-independent set of base points, \(\{p_0, ..., p_n\} \subseteq V\), the set, \([p_0, ..., p_n] := \{\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j p_j \in V \vert t^j \in \mathbb{R}, \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j = 1 \land 0 \le t^j\}\)

\([p_0, ..., p_n]\) is called affine n-simplex.

3: Note

While it is usually defined with \(V = \mathbb{R}^d\), the Euclidean vectors space with the Euclidean topology, this definition made the more general definition with any general real vectors space. There is no critical difference between them, because with any \(d\)-dimensional \(V\) equipped with the canonical topology, \(V\) is homeomorphic to \(\mathbb{R}^d\), and the subspace, \([p_0, ..., p_n] \subseteq V\), is homeomorphic to the subspace, \([p_0, ..., p_n] \subseteq \mathbb{R}^d\).


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540: Affine Set Spanned by Non-Affine-Independent Set of Base Points on Real Vectors Space Is Affine Set Spanned by Affine-Independent Subset of Base Points

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description/proof of that affine set spanned by non-affine-independent set of base points on real vectors space is affine set spanned by affine-independent subset of base points


About: vectors space

The table of contents of this article

Starting Context

Target Context

  • The reader will have a description and a proof of the proposition that the affine set spanned by any non-affine-independent set of base points on any real vectors space is the affine set spanned by an affine-independent subset of the base points.


There is a list of definitions discussed so far in this site.

There is a list of propositions discussed so far in this site.

Main Body

1: Structured Description

Here is the rules of Structured Description.

\(V\): \(\in \text{ the real vectors spaces }\)
\(\{p_0, ..., p_n\}\): \(\subseteq V\), \(\in \{\text{ the non-affine-independent sets of base points on } V\}\)
\(S\): \(= \{\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j p_j \in V \vert t^j \in \mathbb{R}, \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j = 1\}\)

\(\exists J \subset \{0, ..., n\}\)
\(\{p_j \vert j \in J\} \in \{\text{ the affine-independent sets of base points on } V\}\)
\(S = \{\sum_{j \in J} t^j p_j \in V \vert t^j \in \mathbb{R}, \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j = 1\}\)

2: Natural Language Description

For any real vectors space, \(V\), and any non-affine-independent set of base points, \(p_0, ..., p_n \in V\), the affine set spanned by the set of the base points, \(S := \{\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j p_j \in V \vert t^j \in \mathbb{R}, \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j = 1\}\), is the affine set spanned by an affine-independent subset of the base points, \(\{p_j \vert j \in J\}\) where \(J \subset \{0, ..., n\}\).

3: Proof

There is a base point, \(p_k\), such that \(p_k - p_0 = \sum_{j \neq 0, k} t'^j (p_j - p_0)\) where \(t'^j \in \mathbb{R}\).

Any point on \(S\) is \(\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j p_j = t^k p_k + \sum_{j \neq k} t^j p_j = t^k (p_0 + \sum_{j \neq 0, k} t'^j (p_j - p_0)) + \sum_{j \neq k} t^j p_j = (t^k - \sum_{j \neq 0, k} t^k t'^j + t^0) p_0 + \sum_{j \neq 0, k} (t^k t'^j + t^j) p_j\), which is a linear combination of the set of the base points except \(p_k\), which we will call the set of the reduced base points. The sum of the coefficients is \(t^k - \sum_{j \neq 0, k} t^k t'^j + t^0 + \sum_{j \neq 0, k} (t^k t'^j + t^j) = \sum t^j = 1\). So, it is an affine combination of the set of the reduced base points.

On the other hand, any affine combination of the set of the reduced base points, \(\sum_{j \neq k} t''^j p_j\), where \(\sum_{j \neq k } t''^j = 1\), is in \(S\), because it is just a special case of \(t''^k = 0\).

So, the affine set spanned by the set of the reduced base points, \(\{\sum_{j \neq k} t^j p_j \in V \vert t^j \in \mathbb{R}, \sum_{j \neq k} t^j = 1\}\), is nothing but \(S\).

If the set of the reduced base points is not affine independent, let us repeat the process, and eventually, the set of the reduced base points become affine independent, and \(S\) is the affine set spanned by the affine-independent subset of the base points.

Let us prove that \(S\) is indeed an affine subset of \(V\).

Let \(\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j_1 p_j, \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j_2 p_j \in S\) be any points. S's being affine is about that \(\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j_1 p_j + t (\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j_2 p_j - \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j_1 p_j)\) is on \(S\) whenever \(t \in \mathbb{R}\).

\(\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j_1 p_j + t (\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j_2 p_j - \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j_1 p_j) = \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} (t^j_1 (1 - t) + t t^j_2) p_j\). \(\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} (t^j_1 (1 - t) + t t^j_2) = \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} (t^j_1 (1 - t)) + \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} (t t^j_2) = (1 - t) \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j_1 + t \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j_2 = 1 - t + t = 1\).

So, \(\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j_1 p_j + t (\sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j_2 p_j - \sum_{j = 0 \sim n} t^j_1 p_j) \in S\) whenever \(t \in \mathbb{R}\).

4: Note

The convex set spanned by a non-affine-independent set of base points is not necessarily any affine simplex spanned by an affine-independent subset of the base points, as is proved in the proposition that the convex set spanned by a non-affine-independent set of base points on a real vectors space is not necessarily any affine simplex spanned by an affine-independent subset of the base points.


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539: Determinant of Square Matrix Whose Last Row Is All 1 and Whose Each Other Row Is All 0 Except Row Number + 1 Column 1 Is -1 to Power of Dimension + 1

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description/proof of that determinant of square matrix whose last row is all 1 and whose each other row is all 0 except row number + 1 column 1 is -1 to power of dimension + 1


About: matrix

The table of contents of this article

Starting Context

Target Context

  • The reader will have a description and a proof of the proposition that the determinant of any square matrix whose last row is all \(1\) and whose each other row is all \(0\) except the row number \(+ 1\) column \(1\) is \(-1\) to the power of the dimension \(+ 1\).


There is a list of definitions discussed so far in this site.

There is a list of propositions discussed so far in this site.

Main Body

1: Structured Description

Here is the rules of Structured Description.

\(M\): \(\in \{\text{ the n x n matrices }\}\), the last row is all \(1\) and each other \(j\)-th row is \(0\) except the \(j + 1\)-th column \(1\)

\(det M = (-1)^{n + 1}\).

2: Natural Language Description

For any \(\text{ n x n }\) matrix, \(M\), whose last row is all \(1\) and whose each other \(j\)-th row is \(0\) except the \(j + 1\)-th column \(1\), the determinant is \(det M = (-1)^{n + 1}\).

3: Proof

\(M = \begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & ... & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & ... & 0 \\ ... \\ 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & ... & 1 \end{pmatrix}\).

Let us prove it inductively.

Let the determinant of the \(n\)-dimensional matrix be \(f (n)\).

When \(n = 1\), \(M = \begin{pmatrix} 1 \end{pmatrix}\), and \(f (1) = det M = 1 = (-1)^{1 + 1}\).

When \(n = 2\), \(M = \begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 1 \end{pmatrix}\), and \(f (2) = det M = -1 = (-1)^{2 + 1}\).

Let us suppose that for \(n = m - 1\), \(det M = (-1)^{m - 1 + 1}\). For \(n = m\), let us expand \(det M\) by the Laplace expansion of determinant by the 1st row. The 1st row has only 1 nonzero column, the 2nd column, 1. The cofactor of the component is \((-1)^{1 + 2} f (m - 1)\), because \(M\) with the 1st row and the 2nd column removed is nothing but the matrix for the case, \(m - 1\). So, \(f (m) = -1 f (m - 1)\).

So, \(f (n) = (-1)^{n + 1}\).


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