
0: The Table of Contents of the Series, 'Let Me Understand the Java Programming Language'

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Table of Contents

1: How to Decode Any Bytes Sequence into a String
The 'String' class or any 'Reader' class isn't always optimal or even passable for decoding the bytes sequence into a string. This way is better.
2: A Java Objects Pipe, Which Conveys Objects Serially
Serially because otherwise, the memory would be used up. Does for objects what 'java.io.PipedWriter' + 'java.io.PipedReader' does for characters.
3: Java Threads Synchronization with 'wait'/'notify'/'notifyAll'
These are some points about threads synchronization with 'wait', 'notify', and 'notifyAll' in Java, which may spare one some slips.
4: Implement WebDAV Server on One's Own: a Minimal Background
The WebDAV protocol is not technically difficult to implement. Any 3rd-party library is not particularly necessary.

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