
494: Injective Map Between Topological Spaces Is Continuous Embedding if Domain Restriction of Map on Each Element of Open Cover Is Continuous Embedding onto Open Subset of Range or Codomain

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A description/proof of that injective map between topological spaces is continuous embedding if domain restriction of map on each element of open cover is continuous embedding onto open subset of range or codomain


About: topological space

The table of contents of this article

Starting Context

Target Context

  • The reader will have a description and a proof of the proposition that any injective map between any topological spaces is a continuous embedding if the domain restriction of the map on each element of any open cover is any continuous embedding onto any open subset of the range or the codomain.


There is a list of definitions discussed so far in this site.

There is a list of propositions discussed so far in this site.

Main Body

1: Description

For any topological spaces, T1,T2, any injective map, f:T1T2, and any open cover, {Uα|αA}, of T1 where A is any possibly uncountable indices set, f is a continuous embedding if each f|Uα:UαT2 is any continuous embedding onto any open subset of f(T1) or T2.

When each f|Uα is onto any open subset of T2, f is onto a open subset of T2.

2: Proof

If f|Uα(Uα) is open on T2, it will be open on f(T1), because f|Uα(Uα)=f|Uα(Uα)f(T1).

So, let us suppose that f|Uα(Uα) is open on f(T1).

f is continuous, by the proposition that any map between topological spaces is continuous if the domain restriction of the map to each open set of a possibly uncountable open cover is continuous.

Let us define f:T1f(T1), pf(p).

f is continuous, the proposition that any restriction of any continuous map on the domain and the codomain is continuous.

As f is injective, f is injective and there is the inverse, f1:f(T1)T1. Is f1 continuous?

Let us UT1 be any open subset. f11(U)=f(U)=f(UαAUα)=f(αA(UUα))=αAf(UUα), by the proposition that for any map, the map image of any union of sets is the union of the map images of the sets. But as f|Uα is a continuous embedding and UUαUα is open on Uα, f(UUα)f(Uα) is open on f(Uα), but as f(Uα)T2 is open on f(T1), f(UUα) is open on f(T1), by the proposition that any open set on any open topological subspace is open on the base space. So, f(U)=αAf(UUα)f(T1) is open on f(T1).

So, yes, f1 is continuous.

So, f is a homeomorphism, and so, f is a continuous embedding.

When f|Uα(Uα)T2 is open on T2, f(T1)=f(αAUα)=αAf(Uα), which is open on T2.

3: Note

The requirement that each f|Uα is onto any open subset of f(T1) is necessary for f's being guaranteed to be a continuous embedding, unless proved otherwise.


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