
963: For Polynomials Ring over Field, Units Are Nonzero Constants

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description/proof of that for polynomials ring over field, units are nonzero constants


About: ring

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Starting Context

Target Context

  • The reader will have a description and a proof of the proposition that for the polynomials ring over any field, the units are the nonzero constants.


There is a list of definitions discussed so far in this site.

There is a list of propositions discussed so far in this site.

Main Body

1: Structured Description

Here is the rules of Structured Description.

\(F\): \(\in \{\text{ the fields }\}\)
\(F [x]\): \(= \text{ the polynomials ring over } F\)

\(\{\text{ the units of } F [x]\} = \{\text{ the nonzero constants in } F [x]\}\)

2: Note

When \(F\) is just an integral domain, a nonzero constant may not be any unit: for a \(p (x) = p_0 \in F [x]\), \(p_0 \in F\) may not have any inverse, then, \(p (x) = p_0 \in F [x]\) will not have any inverse: compare with the proposition that for the polynomials ring over any integral domain, any unit is a nonzero constant.

3: Proof

Whole Strategy: Step 1: see that each unit is a nonzero constant; Step 2: see that each nonzero constant is a unit.

Step 1:

As any field is an integral domain, each unit is a nonzero constant, by the proposition that for the polynomials ring over any integral domain, any unit is a nonzero constant.

Step 2:

Let \(p (x) = p_0 x^0 \in F [x]\) be any nonzero constant: as we use notations like "\(p_0 x^0\)", it is usually written as \(p_0\): we use such notations in order to distinguish \(p_0 \in F\) and \(p_0 \in F [x]\).

As \(p_0 \in F\) and \(F\) is a field, there is the inverse, \(p_0^{-1} \in F\). \(p_0^{-1} x^0 \in F [x]\) and \(p_0 x^0 p_0^{-1} x^0 = p_0 p_0^{-1} x^0 = 1 x^0\) and \(p_0^{-1} x^0 p_0 x^0 = p_0^{-1} p_0 x^0 = 1 x^0\).

As \(1 x^0\) is the identity element of \(F [x]\), \(p_0^{-1} x^0\) is an inverse of \(p_0 x^0\).


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