
574: Affine Simplex Map into Finite-Dimensional Vectors Space Is Continuous w.r.t. Canonical Topologies

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description/proof of that affine simplex map into finite-dimensional vectors space is continuous w.r.t. canonical topologies


About: vectors space
About: topological space

The table of contents of this article

Starting Context

Target Context

  • The reader will have a description and a proof of the proposition that any affine simplex map into any finite-dimensional vectors space is continuous with respect to the canonical topologies of the domain and the codomain.


There is a list of definitions discussed so far in this site.

There is a list of propositions discussed so far in this site.

Main Body

1: Structured Description

Here is the rules of Structured Description.

V: { the d -dimensional real vectors spaces } with the canonical topology
{p0,...,pn}: V, { the affine-independent sets of base points on V}
[p0,...,pn]: = the affine simplex 
Rn+1: = the Euclidean topological space 
T: ={t=(t0,...,tn)Rn+1|j{0,...,n}tj=10tj}Rn+1, as the topological subspace of Rn+1
f: :TV,t=(t0,...,tn)j{0,...,n}tjpj

f{ the continuous maps }

2: Natural Language Description

For any d-dimensional real vectors space, V, with the canonical topology, any affine-independent set of base points on V, {p0,...,pn}V, the affine simplex, [p0,...,pn], the Euclidean topological space, Rn+1, and T:={t=(t0,...,tn)Rn+1|j{0,...,n}tj=10tj}Rn+1, as the topological subspace of Rn+1, the map, f:TV,t=(t0,...,tn)j{0,...,n}tjpj, is continuous.

3: Proof

Let us think of the Euclidean C manifold, Rn+1. TRn+1 is the topological subspace of the C manifold.

Let us think of the canonical C manifold, V, with the canonical C atlas induced from the Euclidean C manifold, Rd. VV is the topological subspace of the C manifold.

(Rn+1,id) is a chart of the C manifold, Rn+1.

{p1p0,...,pnp0} is linearly independent on V, and we can take any basis, {p1p0,...,pnp0,bn+1,...,bd} for V. For any vV, v=s1(p1p0)+...+sn(pnp0)+sn+1bn+1+...+sdbd, and (V,ϕ), ϕ:VRd,v(s1,...,sn,sn+1,...,sd), is a chart of the canonical C manifold for V.


So, let us take the map, f:Rn+1V,tj{1,...,n}tj(pjp0)+1p0. f|Rn+1T=f|Rn+1T. The restricted coordinates function, ϕfid1|id(Rn+1T):id(Rn+1T)ϕ(V), is (t0,...,tn)(t1+p01,...,tn+p0n,p0n+1,...,p0d), where ϕ(p0)=(p01,...,p0d), which is obviously continuous.

By the proposition that any topological spaces map is continuous at any point if the spaces are the subspaces of some C manifolds and there are some charts of the manifolds around the point and the point image and a map between the chart open subsets which (the map) is restricted to the original map whose (the chart open subsets map's) coordinates function's restriction is continuous, f is continuous.


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