
555: Simplicial Complex

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definition of simplicial complex


About: vectors space

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Starting Context

Target Context

  • The reader will have a definition of simplicial complex.


There is a list of definitions discussed so far in this site.

There is a list of propositions discussed so far in this site.

Main Body

1: Structured Description

Here is the rules of Structured Description.

\( V\): \(\in \{\text{ the real vectors spaces }\}\)
\(*C\): \(= \{S_\alpha \vert \alpha \in A, S_\alpha \in \{\text{ the affine simplexes on } V\}\}\), where \(A\) is any possibly uncountable index set

1) \(\forall S_\alpha \in C (\forall S_j \in \{\text{ the faces of } S_\alpha\} (S_j \in C))\)
2) \(\forall S_\alpha, S_\beta \in C \text{ such that } S_\alpha \cap S_\beta \neq \emptyset (S_\alpha \cap S_\beta \in \{\text{ the faces of } S_\alpha\} \cap \{\text{ the faces of } S_\beta\})\)

When \(V\) is finite-dimensional (although the definition does not suppose so in order not to impose any unnecessary assumption, usually, \(V\) is supposed to be finite-dimensional), \(\vert C \vert := \cup_{S_\alpha \in C} S_\alpha \subseteq V\), with the subspace topology of the canonical topology of \(V\), is called underlying space of \(C\).

2: Natural Language Description

For any real vectors space, \(V\), any set of some affine simplexes on \(V\), \(C = \{S_\alpha \vert \alpha \in A, S_\alpha \in \{\text{ the affine simplexes on } V\}\}\), where \(A\) is any possibly uncountable index set, such that 1) \(\forall S_\alpha \in C (\forall S_j \in \{\text{ the faces of } S_\alpha\} (S_j \in C))\) and 2) \(\forall S_\alpha, S_\beta \in C \text{ such that } S_\alpha \cap S_\beta \neq \emptyset (S_\alpha \cap S_\beta \in \{\text{ the faces of } S_\alpha\} \cap \{\text{ the faces of } S_\beta\})\)

When \(V\) is finite-dimensional (although the definition does not suppose so in order not to impose any unnecessary assumption, usually, \(V\) is supposed to be finite-dimensional), \(\vert C \vert := \cup_{S_\alpha \in C} S_\alpha \subseteq V\), with the subspace topology of the canonical topology of \(V\), is called underlying space of \(C\).

3: Note

When \(A\) is finite, \(C\) is called finite simplicial complex.


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