
283: For Sequence on Topological Space, Around Point, There Is Open Set That Contains Only Finite Points of Sequence if No Subsequence Converges to Point

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A description/proof of that for sequence on topological space, around point, there is open set that contains only finite points of sequence if no subsequence converges to point


About: topological space

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Starting Context

Target Context

  • The reader will have a description and a proof of the proposition that for any sequence on any topological space, around any point, there is an open set that contains only some finite points of the sequence if no subsequence converges to the point.


There is a list of definitions discussed so far in this site.

There is a list of propositions discussed so far in this site.

Main Body

1: Description

For any topological space, T, and any sequence, s:NT where N is the natural numbers set, around any point, pT, there is an open set, Up,pUp, that contains only some finite points of s, if s has no subsequence that converges to p.

2: Proof

Suppose that s has no subsequence that converges to p. Any sequence is a net and any subsequence is a subnet. By the proposition that any net is frequently in each neighborhood of any point on the topological space, if and only if the net has a subnet that converges to the point, there is a neighborhood of p, Np, in which s is not frequently, which means that there is an nN such that there is no nN,nn such that s(n)Np. So, Np contains at most n points of s. There is an open set, Up,pUp,UpNp, and Up contains no more points of s.


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