
257: For Nonempty Set with Partial Ordering with No Minimal Element, There Is Function from Natural Numbers Set to Set, for Which Image of Number Is Larger than Image of Next Number

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A description/proof of that for nonempty set with partial ordering with no minimal element, there is function from natural numbers set to set, for which image of number is larger than image of next number


About: set

The table of contents of this article

Starting Context

Target Context

  • The reader will have a description and a proof of the proposition that for any nonempty set with any partial ordering with no minimal element, there is a function from the natural numbers set to the set, for which the image of any number is larger than the image of the next number.


There is a list of definitions discussed so far in this site.

There is a list of propositions discussed so far in this site.

Main Body

1: Description

For any set, S, with any partial ordering, <, with no minimal element, which means that for any element, pS, there is an element, pS, such that p<p, there is a function, f:ωS where ω is the natural numbers set such that f(n+1)<f(n) for any nω.

2: Proof

There is the function, g:SPowS,p{pS|p<p}. By the choice axiom 2), there is a function, h:SS,h(p)g(p). Let us take any p0S. By the recursion theorem for the natural numbers set, there is a function, f:ωS,f(0)=p0,f(n+1)=h(f(n)). Then, h(f(n))g(f(n)), so, h(f(n))=f(n+1)<f(n).


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