
132: For Map Between Topological Spaces and Domain Point, if There Are Superspaces of Domain and Codomain, Open Neighborhoods of Point and of Point Image on Superspaces, and Continuous Map from Domain Neighborhood into Codomain neighborhood That Is Restricted to Original Map on Intersection of Domain Neighborhood and Original Domain, Original Map Is Continuous at Point

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description/proof of that for map between topological spaces and domain point, if there are superspaces of domain and codomain, open neighborhoods of point and of point image on superspaces, and continuous map from domain neighborhood into codomain neighborhood that is restricted to original map on intersection of domain neighborhood and original domain, original map is continuous at point


About: topological space

The table of contents of this article

Starting Context

Target Context

  • The reader will have a description and a proof of the proposition that for any map between any topological spaces and any domain point, if there are some superspaces of the domain and the codomain, some open neighborhoods of the point and of the point image on the superspaces, and a continuous map from the domain neighborhood into the codomain neighborhood that is restricted to the original map on the intersection of the domain neighborhood and the original domain, the original map is continuous at the point.


There is a list of definitions discussed so far in this site.

There is a list of propositions discussed so far in this site.

Main Body

1: Structured Description

Here is the rules of Structured Description.

T1: { the topological spaces }
T2: { the topological spaces }
f: :T1T2
p: T1

T1,T2{ the topological spaces }(T1T1T1{ the topological subspaces of T1}T2T2T2{ the topological subspaces of T2})

Up{ the open neighborhoods of p on T1}Uf(p){ the open neighborhoods of f(p) on T2}f:UpUf(p)(f|UpT1=f|UpT1f{ the continuous maps })

f{ the maps continuous at p}

2: Natural Language Description

For any topological spaces, T1,T2, any map, f:T1T2, and any point, pT1, if there are some topological spaces, T1,T2, such that T1T1 and T1 is a topological subspace of T1 and T2T2 and T2 is a topological subspace of T2, an open neighborhood, UpT1, of p on T1 and an open neighborhood, Uf(p)T2, of f(p) on T2, and a continuous map, f:UpUf(p), such that f|UpT1=f|UpT1, f is continuous at p.

3: Proof

Let us suppose that there are such T1,T2,Up,Uf(p),f.

For any open neighborhood, Uf(p)T2, of f(p) on T2, there is an open neighborhood, Uf(p)T2, of f(p) on T2, such that Uf(p)=Uf(p)T2. Uf(p)Uf(p) is open on T2 and on Uf(p), and f1(Uf(p)Uf(p)) is open on Up and so, on T1, by the proposition that for any topological space and any sub topological space that is open on the base space, any subset of the subspace is open on the subspace if and only if it is open on the base space. Up:=f1(Uf(p)Uf(p))T1 is open on T1.

In fact, Up is named so because pUp, because f(p)=f(p)Uf(p) and f(p)=f(p)Uf(p)=Uf(p)T2, so, f(p)Uf(p)Uf(p), so, pf1(Uf(p)Uf(p)) and of course, pT1.

f(Up)Uf(p), because for each pUp, f(p)=f(p) because pUpT1 (as Up is in the domain of f), so, f(p)Uf(p)Uf(p) (as Up is in the preimage of Uf(p)Uf(p) under f), but as f is into T2, f(p)T2, so, f(p)Uf(p)Uf(p)T2, but as Uf(p)=Uf(p)T2, f(p)Uf(p)Uf(p)Uf(p).

So, for each neighborhood, Uf(p), of f(p) on T2, there is a neighborhood, Up, of p on T1, such that f(Up)Uf(p), which is nothing but the definition of continuousness at point.

4: Note

The superspaces are usually taken to be some C manifolds, and the usual aim of bringing in the extended map is to check the continuousness of the original map with the extended map, which is expected to have a coordinates function representation, whose continuousness can be checked in norm sense, which equals the continuousness of the extended map, by the proposition that for any map between C manifolds, its continuousness in the topological sense equals its continuousness in the norm sense for the coordinates functions.

Note that the subspaces do not necessarily have any chart, because a subspace is not necessarily a C manifold and may be just a topological space, so, there may be no coordinates function representation of the map, by which the continuousness of the map could be checked.

Bringing in an arbitrary in-norm-sense continuous function between the topological subspaces that (the function) is not based on any superspaces should not guarantee the continuousness of the original map in topological sense, unless proved otherwise.


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