
341: Finite Dimensional Vectors Spaces Related by Linear Bijection Are of Same Dimension

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A description/proof of that finite dimensional vectors spaces related by linear bijection are of same dimension


About: vectors space

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Starting Context

Target Context

  • The reader will have a description and a proof of the proposition that any 2 finite dimensional vectors spaces such that there is a linear bijection from one of them to the other are of the same dimension.


There is a list of definitions discussed so far in this site.

There is a list of propositions discussed so far in this site.

Main Body

1: Description

For any finite dimensional vectors spaces, V1 and V2, such that there is any linear bijection, f:V1V2, the dimensions of V1 and V2 are the same.

2: Proof

There are a basis for V1, (b11,b12,...,b1d1), and a basis for V2, (b21,b22,...,b2d2). Any v1V1 is v1=v1ib1i. f(v1)=v1if(b1i). f(b1i)=fjib2j. f(v1)=v1ifjib2j=v2ib2i. (f11...f1d1.........fd21...fd2d1)(v11...v1d1)=(v21...v2d2). By the Clamer theorem, if the rank of (fji), k, was k<d1, supposing that the theorem's condition for existence of solutions for v1 was satisfied (it had to be satisfied indeed), there would be solutions for v1 with v1k+1,...,v1d1 arbitrary, which would mean that f was not injective, so, k=d1, so, d1d2. By the Clamer theorem, if d1<d2, supposing that some rows and some columns had been already reordered according to the theorem, det(f11...f1d1v21............fd11...fd1d1v2d1fd1+11...fd1+1d1v2d1+1)=0 in order for any solution for v1 to exist, but it would not be possible for every possible v2, because the algebraic complement with respect to v2d1+1 was not 0, so, the determinant could be deviated from 0 by choosing a v2d1+1, which would mean that f was not surjective, so, d1=d2.


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