
371: For Metric Space, Difference of Distances of 2 Points from Subset Is Equal to or Less Than Distance Between Points

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A description/proof of that for metric space, difference of distances of 2 points from subset is equal to or less than distance between points


About: metric space

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Starting Context

Target Context

  • The reader will have a description and a proof of the proposition that for any metric space, any subset, and any 2 points, the difference of the distances of the points from the subset is equal to or less than the distance between the points.


There is a list of definitions discussed so far in this site.

There is a list of propositions discussed so far in this site.

Main Body

1: Description

For any metric space, \(M\), any subset, \(S \subseteq M\), and any points, \(p_1, p_2 \in M\), \(|d (p_1, S) - d (p_2, S)| \leq d (p_1, p_2)\) where \(d (\bullet, \bullet)\) denotes the distance between the arguments.

2: Proof

Suppose that \(p_1, p_2 \notin S\). Take any point, \(p'_2 \in S\). By the definition of distance between 2 points, \(d (p_1, p'_2) \leq d (p_1, p_2) + d (p_2, p'_2)\). By the definition of distance between point and subset, \(d (p_1, S) \leq d (p_1, p'_2)\) and \(d (p_2, p'_2) = d (p_2, S) + \epsilon\) where \(\epsilon \geq 0\) can be made any small positive. So, \(d (p_1, S) \leq d (p_1, p_2) + d (p_2, S) + \epsilon\). By taking the limit by \(\epsilon \rightarrow 0\), \(d (p_1, S) \leq d (p_1, p_2) + d (p_2, S)\), so, \(d (p_1, S) - d (p_2, S) \leq d (p_1, p_2)\). By the symmetricalness, also \(d (p_2, S) - d (p_1, S) \leq d (p_1, p_2)\), so \(|d (p_1, S) - d (p_2, S)| \leq d (p_1, p_2)\).

Suppose that \(p_1 \notin S\) and \(p_2 \in S\). By the definition of distance between point and subset, \(d (p_1, S) \leq d (p_1, p_2)\). As \(d (p_2, S) = 0\), \(d (p_1, S) - d (p_2, S) \leq d (p_1, p_2)\). As the left side is non-negative, \(|d (p_1, S) - d (p_2, S)| \leq d (p_1, p_2)\).

Suppose that \(p_1 \in S\) and \(p_2 \notin S\). By the symmetricalness, \(|d (p_2, S) - d (p_1, S)| \leq d (p_2, p_1)\), which implies \(|d (p_1, S) - d (p_2, S)| \leq d (p_1, p_2)\).

Suppose that \(p_1, p_2 \in S\). As \(d (p_1, S) = d (p_2, S) = 0\), \(|d (p_1, S) - d (p_2, S)| \leq d (p_1, p_2)\).


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