
1: We Have Been "Sent" to the Bias Planet

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Because we have failed FAT (Fairness Aptitude Test, trade marked), three times in a row. Yes, we are what Earthians call an extraterrestrial.


About: fairness
About: bias

The table of contents of this article

Starting Context

  • Nothing particularly.

Target Context

  • The reader will understand the background of this site.


There is an article on fairness.

Main Body

Stage Direction
Here is Special-Student-7 in a room in an old rather isolated house surrounded by some mountains in Japan.

1: We Are Special-Student-7, a So-Called Extraterrestrial

We are Special-Student-7; we have not gotten our name yet.

Well, someone who does not know our situation would wonder what "Special-Student-7" was.

Ah, our situation. . . . We are what Biasians call an extraterrestrial, by the way.

Biasians call themselves 'Earthians', for your information.

Huh? They are Biasians because they are people of the Bias Planet, right?

They call their planet 'the Earth'.

Why? 'the Bias planet' is a more appropriate name because it is a nest of biases.

Obviously, "Earth" comes from 'earth', meaning land.

So what? Look, any name is for distinguishing the thing from the other things; "Earth" implies that Biasians think that having land is a distinguishing achievement of their planet. . . . If they do not know, also our planet has land, actually.

It is certainly an egregiously selfish name, but what do you expect from Biasians?

Ah, it may be a so-called joke. I have heard that they like jokes.

Also I have heard that, but I do not understand the concept of jokes; you know, we do not have jokes on our planet.

They may be using that name as a masochistic sarcasm: "Look how selfish we are!"!

. . . I do not understand a bit.

Anyway, we should be careful not to use "we" to mean ourselves in front of Earthians.

Huh? What do you mean?

A sentence like 'we are an extraterrestrial.' should sound odd to Earthians: "Huh? How many persons are you?".

We will never say that we are an extraterrestrial; otherwise, we would be imprisoned, as a mental case.

That sentence was just an example.

So, Biasians do not know the principle of separation of powers . . .

Actually, they know it, but apply it to only governments, not to individuals, at least prevalently.

That is why they are full of biases, I have to say. . . . If an individual is a monolith, the monolith will most certainly act self-righteously, so the individual has to split itself into two parts (powers), which check each other. I am the hypothesizer, by the way.

And I am the rebutter.

Special-Student-7-Hypothesizer & Special-Student-7-Rebutter
We are Special-Student-7.

We are 2 entities in a single physical individual, and "we are an extraterrestrial." is as grammatically correct as "we are a family of five.".

Anyway, it is important that each of us does not infringe on the role of the other: I should not prematurely rebut myself, because that would harm my ability to hypothesize unbiasedly.

I may raise an absurd hypothesis, but nobody needs to be pissed-off, because it is not our final opinion; it is just my role to raise even absurd hypotheses.

And I should not suggest you to hypothesize certain things, to say nothing of proposing a hypothesis myself, because that would bias you.

And it is important that I am a rebutter, not an approver, because an approver would try to approve somehow, tending to be indulgent.

Anyway, "Special-Student-7" is not a name, but a special student number, and "special" there does not mean being special in any good way; it means being especially problematic: 3 consecutive FAT (Fairness Aptitude Test, trade marked) failures, which is exceptional; actually we are the 7th scandal (as our number says) ever recorded in the history of our planet.

2: What Is FAT?

FAT is a test that measures whether the testee is fair enough to be admitted to be an unharmful member of the society, and only after passing the test, one is allowed to choose their name, which is why we do not have our name yet.

I perfectly agree that such a test is an absolute necessity: of course, any unfair person cannot be left at large eroding the society.

That is because otherwise, the world would become like a boxing match in which the opponent kicked and your only options were 1) you kicked back or 2) you, refusing to kick back, would be most surely kicked down. . . . Ah, there would be one more option: 3) you were disgusted with the game and voluntarily stepped out of the ring.

Why have we failed the test three times in a row? . . . Well, according to the evaluation, our separation of powers in ourselves is not going well, to state succinctly, which should mean that I am infringing on your role, you are infringing on my role, or both.

That may also mean that you are not fulfilling your role, I am not fulfilling my role, or both.

I see. . . . I wonder what is the case.

I honestly admit that I am not confident with my execution. For example, when you keep raising only decent hypotheses, I cannot find any other option than keeping saying just "yes" or being silent, which makes me feel so useless that I am tempted to say some more, probably suggesting my hypotheses.

Ah, then, I may be the one to be blamed in not raising enough free hypotheses: as I am infringing on your role by prematurely rebutting myself, you are deprived of your role, and so begin to foray into my role.

Or I may be the one to be blamed in not pointing out to you that your hypotheses are too stuck in a groove.

I am still hesitant in what I should do and what I should not do: should I only point out contradictions? should I point out your predilection for certain directions (but am I not indirectly suggesting you to hypothesize certain things, that way)?, or what? It is a walking on a tightrope.

Separation of powers is an absolute necessity in concept, I think, but is a very difficult art in practice, in fact.

3: Why Have We Been Sent Here?

We have been sent here, because we have failed FAT three times in a row.

Yes, but what is the purpose? As a punishment, or as what?

As education, they said.

But how is being sent to the Bias Planet educational?

While we have not been able to be well educated in the normal curriculum on our planet, we should experience egregious unfairness in order to understand what fairness is and how to be fair, as a means of last resort, they said.

Certainly, we were warned so by the committee before the third test, but I thought it was a bluff; they said there were 6 precedents, but the last one was about 2,000 Bias Planet years ago, and nothing is officially disclosed on what happened to him. A rumor says that he replaced a crucified religious cult leader, insisting to be a revival.

It is just a rumor.

I thought so: "Ridiculous! Even Biasians would not believe such an absurdity. A revival? For Universe's sake!"

In fact, I had suspected that "the Bias Planet" was a total fiction in purpose of scaring unyielding children: "You will be sent to the Bias Planet, if you don't behave!" "Oh, please Father, don't send me there! Do anything but that!"

"the Bias Planet" has been really feared by naive children, as being the most horrible place ever created, on which walk biased creatures, who are rumored to be most unreasonable, stubborn, and selfish.

Anyway, I wonder whether the committee were not worried about influencing the Bias Planet somehow badly by sending a rotten apple like us.

I heard that the committee considered that and decided that any already worst world will not be able to be made worse.

But what about the 6th special student? Did he not give a bad influence?

You are talking based on a rumor.

But it seems to be true that the committee had some information about some situations concerning the 6th special student, which made them have a divisive discussion. But after all, they could not afford ruining the credibility of their warning.

It is a fact that they had a rather prolonged discussion, but there is no decisive proof that it was related with the 6th special student.

4: How Have We Been Sent Here?

Anyway, how have we been sent here? Put into a small autopilot spacecraft and shot into space. The journey took 42 days.

Some Biasians might think that the spacecraft had a "warp drive", but for Universe's sake, there is no such thing as a "warp drive" in reality.

Then they would say "Huh? Then it is too short! Even the light speed requires several years from any extrasolar planet!".

Well, most Biasians seem not be able to free themselves from the prejudice that there is an absolute time even after they discovered "relativity", but those several years they say of are for a stationary (so-to-speak; nothing is really stationary, but you will understand what I mean) observer, not for the traveler; light does not experience any time in traveling any distance, and a traveler experiences only 42 days in traveling several light years, so-called proper time, if he or she travels along a certain world line.

In fact, someone can travel any long distance in any short time without any absurd thing as a "warp drive", if he or she can endure a world line; the issue is whether he or she can really endure the world line, which means certain acceleration, but what world lines we can endure is none of your business.

As a reference, I here show the equation for calculating the proper time for the traveler in the specified constant acceleration for the specified distance: '(c / a) * ln (1 + (a * l) / (c to the 2nd power) + ( (a to the 2nd power * l to the 2nd power) / (c to the 4th power) + (2 * a * l) / (c to the 2nd power)) to the (1 / 2)-th power)', where 'a' is the acceleration, 'l' is the distance, 'c' is the light speed. . . . If you want to land on the destination, instead of flying by the destination, you are supposed to do the half-way acceleration and the rest-way deceleration.

Yes, we learn the equation in elementary school on our planet.

We have failed FAT three times, but do not be fooled into assuming that we are so an underachiever in academics.

. . . The equation is too elementary to be a matter of achievement in academics.

So, what happened to the spacecraft? We have landed it into an obscure mountain (certainly, it was mostly autopilot-ed, but of course, they gave us the least leeway to land it somewhere (what else? Were we supposed to just crash?)).

5: About Returning Home

Thus we have been sent here for education, but supposing that we have been educated enough, what then?

The committee said "Then, let us know."

Yeah, but how? I thought that the spacecraft should be equipped with a communication device that let us let them know, or at least an "educated" button, but although I searched for it on the way, I could not find any button captioned "educated" on it. . . . Where is the button? Have they forgotten to equip it?

Well, . . . it will be an egregious negligence if they have.

May I ask whether they are expecting us to ever come back?

. . . That is not a question to be asked of me.

Yeah, of course, but the precedent 6 special students have never come back, have they?

There is no record of their coming back.

So, did they think that we would not come back either?

Look, the committee should not be so biased as to think that just 6 precedents guarantee the outcome of the 7th.

You are right. . . . But is it possible that the committee estimated the possibility of our coming back to be pretty low, and as the result of the low expectation, they have forgotten to equip the button?

Well, based on the past records, it is very logical to estimate the possibility to be low, and yes, it is possible that also someone who is very fair can forget sometimes.

"very logical" . . .

Stage Direction
Special-Student-7-Hypothesizer sighs deeply.

Well, somebody may wonder that if the spacecraft is intact, why do we not just ride it home?

1st, it is not so intact as fairly damaged.

You know, the spacecraft is really meant to be flied in only space (in fact, it was shot off from a space station, not from our planet surface), not to be plunged into atmosphere; the spacecraft is supposed to just barely endure an atmosphere entry for an emergency; it is not supposed to happily fly off again, to say the least of making a light-years high acceleration flight again.

2nd, the autopilot navigation of the spacecraft is somehow locked, without being able to be reconfigured for the return home, at least easily.

Can we not hack the system? I am not sure right now.

3rd, if I have successfully flied home, so what?

They will just send us back here again.

Of course, after I have been "educated", I may be able to go to ask them "Have you not forgotten to equip the "educated" button, by any chance?", but until then, it is simply meaningless.

Yes, it is certainly meaningless to try to return home without having been educated.

6: "You"? Who Are We Talking to?

Hypothesizer 7
I have used the word, "you", several times, obviously not addressing the rebutter, but who are "you" exactly?

Well, I do not know for sure: "you" may be sometimes the committee, as a rehearsal for talking to them (if) at the coming occasion, but mostly "you" are an imaginary indefinite person, usually an objector.

When I organize my thoughts, I have a habit of thinking of an imaginary objector and discuss the matter with the objector, mostly in order to make my points clear in contrast with those of the objector. . . . Do you have not such a habit, although I am not sure whom I am asking?

To be sure, objector is different from rebutter: rebutter is someone who is expected to rebut my hypotheses system objectively and reasonably, but objector is a promoter of another hypotheses system, which I do not accept, or someone who is just unreasonable.

After all, this is a diary, and is a diary usually not like that?, although I am not sure whose agreement I am seeking.

While I will often use "you" also hereafter, can "you" be a Biasian? . . . Well, I do not expect to really talk to a Biasian concerning our being an extraterrestrial, but still, "you" could be an imaginary Biasian.

So, if you wonder seeing "you", "Um? Are you talking to me?", most probably, the "you" is not you.


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