
13: Python Subprocess: Asynchronously Relay Standard In-Out-Puts

<The previous article in this series | The table of contents of this series |

That just-wait-for-completion 'subprocess.run' is not my option. A way of inter-processes communication. Interrupt the relays. A utility class.


About: Python

The table of contents of this article

Starting Context

  • The reader has a basic knowledge on Python.

Target Context

  • The reader will know how to invoke a process and relay the standard output, the standard error output, and the standard input of the process in the background, in Python.


There is an article on how to interrupt any standard input wait in Python.

There is an article that introduces an objects pipe in Python.

There is an article that introduces a string pipe in Python.

There are some article that introduce some objects pipes in some other programming languages (Java, C++, and C#).

Main Body

Stage Direction
Hypothesizer 7 soliloquies.

1: Why 'subprocess.run' Does Not Do, in General

Hypothesizer 7
'subprocess.run' inevitably waits for the invoked process to complete? . . . No kidding.

The process may take a long time and meanwhile may emit a large amount of standard output, and my program has to be idly waiting until the process ends, before it can begin to deal with the backlog? . . . Rejected.

The standard input data are able to be passed into the method, but they have to be determined a priori? . . . Unusable.

Oh, a correction: of course, the method may be usable in some limited cases, but it cannot be regarded as a general purpose method, which is what I mean.

Generally speaking, I think of interacting with the invoked process, with my program sending and receiving messages to-and-fro, an inter-processes communication.

The presumption of the method seems to be "You should a priori know what the invoked process will require in the standard input, and you should be OK if the standard outputs from the invoked process are read only after the process ends.", which I do not happen to share.

2: The Basics of Invoking a Process and Handling Its Standard Output, Standard Error Output, and Standard Input

Hypothesizer 7
In Python, a process can be invoked by instantiating the 'subprocess.Popen' class, and that instance contains a pointer to a 'TextIO' stream of each of the standard output, the standard error output, and the standard input of the process.

Of course, the constructor returns immediately without waiting for the invoked process to terminate, which is an indispensable feature for the class to be usable for general purposes.

This is an example of invoking a process and reading the standard output.

@Python Source Code
import subprocess
from subprocess import Popen
import sys

		l_process: Popen = Popen (args = ["ls", "-l"], stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, cwd = None, env = None, encoding = "UTF-8")
			l_standardOutputData: str
			while True:
				l_standardOutputData = l_process.stdout.read (1)
				if l_standardOutputData == "":
				sys.stdout.write (l_standardOutputData)
				sys.stdout.flush ()
		except (Exception) as l_exception:
			sys.stderr.write ("### A standard output error: {0:s}.\n".format (str (l_exception)))
			sys.stderr.flush ()
		l_process.communicate ()
		sys.stdout.write ("### the process return: {0:d}\n".format (l_process.returncode))
		sys.stdout.flush ()

The pointers to the streams of the standard error output and the standard input are 'l_process.stderr' and 'l_process.stdin'.

The command and the arguments are passed as a list into the 'args' argument of the constructor.

The working directory is passed as a string into the 'cwd' argument.

The environment variables can be passed as a map into the 'env' argument, but if 'None' is passed, the environment variables of the invoking process will be inherited to the invoked process.

Well, what is the relation between the lifetime of the invoked process and the duration of the accessibility to the standard output or something? . . . If the process finishes, will the standard output become inaccessible without the contents having been read yet? Or does yet-not-having-read the standard output block the process from terminating? . . . Let me test.

@Python Source Code
import subprocess
from subprocess import Popen
import sys
import time

		l_process: Popen = Popen (args = ["ls", "-l"], stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, cwd = None, env = None, encoding = "UTF-8")
		sys.stdout.write ("### waiting 30 seconds before starting to read the standard output . . .\n")
		sys.stdout.flush ()
		time.sleep (30)
			l_standardOutputData: str
			while True:
				l_standardOutputData = l_process.stdout.read (1)
				if l_standardOutputData == "":
				sys.stdout.write (l_standardOutputData)
				sys.stdout.flush ()
		except (Exception) as l_exception:
			sys.stderr.write ("### A standard output error: {0:s}.\n".format (str (l_exception)))
			sys.stderr.flush ()
		sys.stdout.write ("### waiting 30 seconds before calling 'communicate (input, timeout)' . . .\n")
		sys.stdout.flush ()
		time.sleep (30)
		l_processReturn: int = l_process.communicate ()
		sys.stdout.write ("### the process return: {0:d}\n".format (l_process.returncode))
		sys.stdout.flush ()

While the program was asleep, I looked up the invoked process with a 'ps' command in Linux.

Well, the invoked process became "defunct" even before the program began to read the standard output and survived until the 'communicate (input, timeout)' method was called; so I do not have to worry about failing to read the standard output or the standard error output because of not reading fast enough. On the other hand, I do not have to necessarily read the standard output or the standard error output: not having read them does not prevent the invoked process from terminating.

A lesson is that I have to call the 'communicate (input, timeout)' method somehow, even if my program does not want to wait for the invoked process to finish. . . . If the main thread does not want to wait, I can let a background thread wait.

3: Why the Relays Should Be Done in the Background

Hypothesizer 7
Obviously, if my program just reads the standard output in the foreground, the other 2 streams will not be able to be took cared of until the standard output is closed.

So, at least 2 of the 3 streams have to be handled in the background.

Preferably, all the 3 streams are handled in the background, because otherwise, the main thread may be unpredictably blocked by an invoked process that happens to keep silence.

A critical problem of Python 'TextIO' is that it cannot be interrupted or timed out, being stuck possibly for an indefinite time.

As 'Thtread.join (timeout)' and 'Popen.communicate (input, timeout)' can be timed out, this will prevent the main thread from being stuck.

@Python Source Code
import subprocess
from subprocess import Popen
from subprocess import TimeoutExpired
import sys
from threading import Thread

		l_process: Popen = Popen (args = ["ls", "-l"], stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, cwd = None, env = None, encoding = "UTF-8")
		def l_printStandardOutputThreadFunction () -> None:
				l_standardOutputData: str
				while True:
					l_standardOutputData = l_process.stdout.read (1)
					if l_standardOutputData == "":
					sys.stdout.write (l_standardOutputData)
					sys.stdout.flush ()
			except (Exception) as l_exception:
				sys.stderr.write ("### A standard output error: {0:s}.\n".format (str (l_exception)))
				sys.stderr.flush ()
		l_printStandardOutputThread: Thread = Thread (target = l_printStandardOutputThreadFunction)
		l_printStandardOutputThread.start ()
		while True:
			l_printStandardOutputThread.join (0.1)
			if not l_printStandardOutputThread.is_alive ():
		while True:
				l_process.communicate (None, 1.0)
				sys.stdout.write ("### the process return: {0:d}\n".format (l_process.returncode))
				sys.stdout.flush ()
			except (TimeoutExpired) as l_exception:
				sys.stdout.write ("### The process has not terminated yet.\n")
				sys.stdout.flush ()

In fact, as the standard output has been already naturally closed, 'Popen.communicate (input, timeout)' will not particularly have to be timed out in that case.

4: Doing the Relays and Interrupting Them

Hypothesizer 7
Here, let me relay the standard output and the standard error output of the invoked process to those of the invoking program and relay the standard input of the invoking program to that of the invoked process.

In the 1st attempt, it has become like this.

@Python Source Code
import subprocess
from subprocess import Popen
from subprocess import TimeoutExpired
import sys
from threading import Thread

		l_process: Popen = Popen (args = ["ls", "-l"], stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, cwd = None, env = None, encoding = "UTF-8")
		def l_printStandardOutputThreadFunction () -> None:
				l_standardOutputData: str
				while True:
					l_standardOutputData = l_process.stdout.read (1)
					if l_standardOutputData == "":
					sys.stdout.write (l_standardOutputData)
					sys.stdout.flush ()
			except (Exception) as l_exception:
				sys.stderr.write ("### A standard output error: {0:s}.\n".format (str (l_exception)))
				sys.stderr.flush ()
		l_printStandardOutputThread: Thread = Thread (target = l_printStandardOutputThreadFunction)
		l_printStandardOutputThread.start ()
		def l_printStandardErrorOutputThreadFunction () -> None:
				l_standardErrorOutputData: str
				while True:
					l_standardErrorOutputData = l_process.stderr.read (1)
					if l_standardErrorOutputData == "":
					sys.stderr.write (l_standardErrorOutputData)
					sys.stderr.flush ()
			except (Exception) as l_exception:
				sys.stderr.write ("### A standard error output error: {0:s}.\n".format (str (l_exception)))
				sys.stderr.flush ()
		l_printStandardErrorOutputThread: Thread = Thread (target = l_printStandardErrorOutputThreadFunction)
		l_printStandardErrorOutputThread.start ()
		def l_relayStandardInputThreadFunction () -> None:
				l_standardInputDatum: str = None
				while True:
					l_standardInputDatum = sys.stdin.read (1)
					l_process.stdin.write (l_standardInputDatum)
					l_process.stdin.flush ()
			except (Exception) as l_exception:
				sys.stderr.write ("### A standard input error: {0:s}.\n".format (str (l_exception)))
				sys.stderr.flush ()
		l_relayStandardInputThread: Thread = Thread (target = l_relayStandardInputThreadFunction)
		l_relayStandardInputThread.start ()
		while True:
			l_printStandardOutputThread.join (0.1)
			if not l_printStandardOutputThread.is_alive ():
		while True:
			l_printStandardErrorOutputThread.join (0.1)
			if not l_printStandardErrorOutputThread.is_alive ():
		while True:
				l_process.communicate (None, 1.0)
				sys.stdout.write ("### the process return: {0:d}\n".format (l_process.returncode))
				sys.stdout.flush ()
			except (TimeoutExpired) as l_exception:
				sys.stdout.write ("### The process has not terminated yet.\n")
				sys.stdout.flush ()
		while True:
			l_relayStandardInputThread.join (1.0)
			if not l_relayStandardInputThread.is_alive ():
				sys.stdout.write ("### l_relayStandardInputThread has not terminated yet.\n")

That is a problem because the standard-input-relay thread will not end, because the thread will keep waiting for the next standard input datum of the invoking process. The standard input wait or the thread cannot be interrupted in any way, as far as I know (end runs like making the thread a daemon thread are not acceptable in general) . . .

In fact, the solution is here.

So, my improved code is this.

@Python Source Code
import subprocess
from subprocess import Popen
from subprocess import TimeoutExpired
import sys
from threading import Thread
from theBiasPlanet.coreUtilities.inputs.HaltableStandardInputReader import HaltableStandardInputReader
from theBiasPlanet.coreUtilities.inputsHandling.NoMoreDataException import NoMoreDataException
from theBiasPlanet.coreUtilities.timersHandling.TimeOutException import TimeOutException

		l_process: Popen = Popen (args = ["ls", "-l"], stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, cwd = None, env = None, encoding = "UTF-8")
		def l_printStandardOutputThreadFunction () -> None:
				l_standardOutputData: str
				while True:
					l_standardOutputData = l_process.stdout.read (1)
					if l_standardOutputData == "":
					sys.stdout.write (l_standardOutputData)
					sys.stdout.flush ()
			except (Exception) as l_exception:
				sys.stderr.write ("### A standard output error: {0:s}.\n".format (str (l_exception)))
				sys.stderr.flush ()
		l_printStandardOutputThread: Thread = Thread (target = l_printStandardOutputThreadFunction)
		l_printStandardOutputThread.start ()
		def l_printStandardErrorOutputThreadFunction () -> None:
				l_standardErrorOutputData: str
				while True:
					l_standardErrorOutputData = l_process.stderr.read (1)
					if l_standardErrorOutputData == "":
					sys.stderr.write (l_standardErrorOutputData)
					sys.stderr.flush ()
			except (Exception) as l_exception:
				sys.stderr.write ("### A standard error output error: {0:s}.\n".format (str (l_exception)))
				sys.stderr.flush ()
		l_printStandardErrorOutputThread: Thread = Thread (target = l_printStandardErrorOutputThreadFunction)
		l_printStandardErrorOutputThread.start ()
		l_haltableStandardInputReader: "HaltableStandardInputReader" = HaltableStandardInputReader.getInstance ()
		def l_relayStandardInputThreadFunction () -> None:
			l_threadIdentification: str = "{0:d}".format (id (threading.current_thread ()))
				l_standardInputDatum: str = None
				while True:
						l_standardInputDatum = l_haltableStandardInputReader.read (l_threadIdentification, 1)
						if l_standardInputDatum == "":
						l_process.stdin.write (l_standardInputDatum)
						l_process.stdin.flush ()
					except (NoMoreDataException) as l_exception:
					except (TimeOutException) as l_exception:
						# impossible
			except (Exception) as l_exception:
				sys.stderr.write ("### A standard input error: {0:s}.\n".format (str (l_exception)))
				sys.stderr.flush ()
		l_relayStandardInputThread: Thread = Thread (target = l_relayStandardInputThreadFunction)
		l_haltableStandardInputReader.addSubscriber ("{0:d}".format (id (l_relayStandardInputThread)))
		sys.stdout.flush ()
		l_relayStandardInputThread.start ()
		sys.stdout.flush ()
		while True:
			l_printStandardOutputThread.join (0.1)
			if not l_printStandardOutputThread.is_alive ():
		while True:
			l_printStandardErrorOutputThread.join (0.1)
			if not l_printStandardErrorOutputThread.is_alive ():
		while True:
				l_process.communicate (None, 1.0)
				sys.stdout.write ("### the process return: {0:d}\n".format (l_process.returncode))
				sys.stdout.flush ()
			except (TimeoutExpired) as l_exception:
				sys.stdout.write ("### The process has not terminated yet.\n")
				sys.stdout.flush ()
		l_haltableStandardInputReader.removeSubscriber ("{0:d}".format (id (l_relayStandardInputThread)))
		while True:
			l_relayStandardInputThread.join (1.0)
			if not l_relayStandardInputThread.is_alive ():
				sys.stdout.write ("### l_relayStandardInputThread has not terminated yet.\n")

Well, how can the reads on the standard output and the standard error output be interrupted?

I think that they usually do not have to be interrupted, because why should the background threads not be left moving or waiting until the standard output is voluntarily closed by the invoked process? But if they happen to have to, I can close the outputs from my program.

5: Creating a Utility Class

Hypothesizer 7
As such code is a boilerplate, it is not wise to write that in multiple places.

So, let me create a utility class.


@Python Source Code
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import TextIO
from typing import cast
from io import StringIO
import os
import signal
import subprocess
from subprocess import Popen
import sys
import threading
from threading import Condition
from threading import Thread
from theBiasPlanet.coreUtilities.inputs.HaltableStandardInputReader import HaltableStandardInputReader
from theBiasPlanet.coreUtilities.inputsHandling.NoMoreDataException import NoMoreDataException
from theBiasPlanet.coreUtilities.messagingHandling.Publisher import Publisher
from theBiasPlanet.coreUtilities.timersHandling.TimeOutException import TimeOutException

class ProcessHandler ():
	s_haltableStandardInputReader: "HaltableStandardInputReader" = HaltableStandardInputReader.getInstance ()
	# the static initializer Start
	s_haltableStandardInputReader.startDispatchDataThread ()
	# the static initializer End
	def interruptRelayStandardInputThread (a_thread: Thread) -> None:
		ProcessHandler.s_haltableStandardInputReader.removeSubscriber ("{0:d}".format (id (a_thread)))
	class StandardInputAndOutputs:
		def __init__ (a_this: "ProcessHandler.StandardInputAndOutputs", a_process: Popen) -> None:
			a_this.i_process: Popen
			a_this.i_standardInputOutputStream: TextIO
			a_this.i_standardOutputInputStream: TextIO
			a_this.i_standardErrorOutputInputStream: TextIO
			a_this.i_relayStandardInputThread: Thread
			a_this.i_printStandardOutputThread: Thread
			a_this.i_printStandardErrorOutputThread: Thread
			a_this.i_thereWereStandardInputContents: bool
			a_this.i_thereWereStandardOutputContents: bool
			a_this.i_thereWereStandardErrorOutputContents: bool
			a_this.i_process = a_process
			a_this.i_standardInputOutputStream = cast (TextIO, a_this.i_process.stdin)
			a_this.i_standardOutputInputStream = cast (TextIO, a_this.i_process.stdout)
			a_this.i_standardErrorOutputInputStream = cast (TextIO, a_this.i_process.stderr)
			a_this.i_relayStandardInputThread = None
			a_this.i_printStandardOutputThread = None
			a_this.i_printStandardErrorOutputThread = None
			a_this.i_thereWereStandardInputContents = False
			a_this.i_thereWereStandardOutputContents = False
			a_this.i_thereWereStandardErrorOutputContents = False
		def getStandardInputOutputStream (a_this: "ProcessHandler.StandardInputAndOutputs", ) -> TextIO:
			return a_this.i_standardInputOutputStream
		def getStandardOutputInputStream (a_this: "ProcessHandler.StandardInputAndOutputs", ) -> TextIO:
			return a_this.i_standardOutputInputStream
		def getStandardErrorOutputInputStream (a_this: "ProcessHandler.StandardInputAndOutputs", ) -> TextIO:
			return a_this.i_standardErrorOutputInputStream
		def relayStandardInputAsynchronously (a_this: "ProcessHandler.StandardInputAndOutputs") -> None:
			def l_relayStandardInputThreadFunction () -> None:
				l_threadIdentification: str = "{0:d}".format (id (threading.current_thread ()))
					l_processStandardInputWriter: TextIO = a_this.i_standardInputOutputStream
					l_standardInputDatum: str = None
					while True:
							l_standardInputDatum = ProcessHandler.s_haltableStandardInputReader.read (l_threadIdentification, 1)
							a_this.i_thereWereStandardInputContents = True
							l_processStandardInputWriter.write (l_standardInputDatum)
							l_processStandardInputWriter.flush ()
						except (NoMoreDataException) as l_exception:
						except (TimeOutException) as l_exception:
							# impossible
				except (Exception) as l_exception:
					Publisher.logErrorInformation ("### A standard input error: {0:s}.".format (str (l_exception)))
			a_this.i_relayStandardInputThread = Thread (target = l_relayStandardInputThreadFunction)
			ProcessHandler.s_haltableStandardInputReader.addSubscriber ("{0:d}".format (id (a_this.i_relayStandardInputThread)))
			a_this.i_relayStandardInputThread.start ()
		def printStandardOutputAsynchronously (a_this: "ProcessHandler.StandardInputAndOutputs") -> None:
			def l_printStandardOutputThreadFunction () -> None:
					l_standardOutputReader: TextIO = a_this.i_standardOutputInputStream
					l_standardOutputData: str
					while True:
						l_standardOutputData = l_standardOutputReader.read (1)
						if l_standardOutputData == "":
						a_this.i_thereWereStandardOutputContents = True
						sys.stdout.write (l_standardOutputData)
						sys.stdout.flush ()
				except (Exception) as l_exception:
					Publisher.logErrorInformation (l_exception)
					sys.stderr.write ("### A standard output error: {0:s}.\n".format (str (l_exception)))
					sys.stderr.flush ()
			a_this.i_printStandardOutputThread  = Thread (target = l_printStandardOutputThreadFunction)
			a_this.i_printStandardOutputThread.start ()
		def printStandardErrorOutputAsynchronously (a_this: "ProcessHandler.StandardInputAndOutputs") -> None:
			def l_printStandardErrorOutputThreadFunction () -> None:
					l_standardErrorOutputReader: TextIO = a_this.i_standardErrorOutputInputStream
					l_standardErrorOutputData: str
					while True:
						l_standardErrorOutputData = l_standardErrorOutputReader.read (1)
						if l_standardErrorOutputData == "":
						a_this.i_thereWereStandardErrorOutputContents = True
						sys.stderr.write (l_standardErrorOutputData)
						sys.stderr.flush ()
				except (Exception) as l_exception:
					Publisher.logErrorInformation (l_exception)
					sys.stderr.write ("### A standard error output error: {0:s}.\n".format (str (l_exception)))
					sys.stderr.flush ()
			a_this.i_printStandardErrorOutputThread  = Thread (target = l_printStandardErrorOutputThreadFunction)
			a_this.i_printStandardErrorOutputThread .start ()
		def setStandardInputNextLine (a_this: "ProcessHandler.StandardInputAndOutputs", a_line: str) -> None:
				a_this.i_standardInputOutputStream.write ("{0:s}\n".format (a_line))
				a_this.i_standardInputOutputStream.flush ()
				a_this.i_thereWereStandardInputContents = True
			except (Exception) as l_exception:
				sys.stderr.write ("The standard input couldn't be written into: {0:s}.\n".format (str (l_exception)))
				sys.stderr.flush ()
				a_this.i_standardInputOutputStream.close ()
		def getStandardOutputNextLine (a_this: "ProcessHandler.StandardInputAndOutputs") -> str:
				l_line: str = None
				l_line = a_this.i_standardOutputInputStream.readline ()
				if l_line != "":
					a_this.i_thereWereStandardOutputContents = True
					return l_line
					a_this.i_standardOutputInputStream.close ()
					return None
			except (Exception) as l_exception:
				sys.stderr.write ("The standard output couldn't be scanned: {0:s}.\n".format (str (l_exception)))
				sys.stderr.flush ()
				a_this.i_standardOutputInputStream.close ()
				return None
		def getStandardErrorOutputNextLine (a_this: "ProcessHandler.StandardInputAndOutputs") -> str:
				l_line: str = None
				l_line = a_this.i_standardErrorOutputInputStream.readline ()
				if l_line != "":
					a_this.i_thereWereStandardErrorOutputContents = True
					return l_line
					a_this.i_standardErrorOutputInputStream.close ()
					return None
			except (Exception) as l_exception:
				sys.stderr.write ("The standard error output couldn't be scanned: {0:s}.\n".format (str (l_exception)))
				sys.stderr.flush ()
				a_this.i_standardErrorOutputInputStream.close ()
				return None
		def thereWereStandardInputContents (a_this: "ProcessHandler.StandardInputAndOutputs") -> bool:
			return a_this.i_thereWereStandardInputContents
		def thereWereStandardOutputContents (a_this: "ProcessHandler.StandardInputAndOutputs") -> bool:
			return a_this.i_thereWereStandardOutputContents
		def thereWereStandardErrorOutputContents (a_this: "ProcessHandler.StandardInputAndOutputs") -> bool:
			return a_this.i_thereWereStandardErrorOutputContents
		def waitUntillFinish (a_this: "ProcessHandler.StandardInputAndOutputs") -> int:
			if a_this.i_printStandardErrorOutputThread is not None:
				a_this.i_printStandardErrorOutputThread.join ()
				a_this.i_printStandardErrorOutputThread = None
			if a_this.i_printStandardOutputThread is not None:
				a_this.i_printStandardOutputThread.join ()
				a_this.i_printStandardOutputThread = None
			l_processReturn: int = a_this.i_process.wait ()
			if a_this.i_relayStandardInputThread is not None:
				ProcessHandler.interruptRelayStandardInputThread (a_this.i_relayStandardInputThread)
				a_this.i_relayStandardInputThread.join ()
				a_this.i_relayStandardInputThread = None
			return l_processReturn
	# The environment variables of the current process are automatically passed into the sub process.
	def executeAndReturnStandardInputAndOutputs (a_workingDirectoryPath: str, a_environmentVariableNameToValueMap: "Dict [str, str]", a_commandAndArguments: List [str]) -> "ProcessHandler.StandardInputAndOutputs":
		l_process: Popen = Popen (args = a_commandAndArguments, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, cwd = a_workingDirectoryPath, env = a_environmentVariableNameToValueMap, encoding = "UTF-8")
		return ProcessHandler.StandardInputAndOutputs (l_process)
	def execute (a_workingDirectory: str, a_environmentVariableNameToValueMap: "Dict [str, str]", a_commandAndArguments: List [str], a_waitsUntilFinish: bool) -> int:
		l_standardInputAndOutputs: "ProcessHandler.StandardInputAndOutputs" = ProcessHandler.executeAndReturnStandardInputAndOutputs (a_workingDirectory, a_environmentVariableNameToValueMap, a_commandAndArguments)
		l_childProcessReturn: int = 0
		if a_waitsUntilFinish:
			l_standardInputAndOutputs.printStandardOutputAsynchronously ()
			l_standardInputAndOutputs.printStandardErrorOutputAsynchronously ()
			l_standardInputAndOutputs.relayStandardInputAsynchronously ()
			l_childProcessReturn = l_standardInputAndOutputs.waitUntillFinish ()
			def l_waitForInvokedProcessToEndThreadFunction () -> None:
					l_standardInputAndOutputs.printStandardOutputAsynchronously ()
					l_standardInputAndOutputs.printStandardErrorOutputAsynchronously ()
					l_standardInputAndOutputs.relayStandardInputAsynchronously ()
					l_standardInputAndOutputs.waitUntillFinish ()
				except (Exception) as l_exception:
			l_waitForInvokedProcessToEndThread = Thread (target = l_waitForInvokedProcessToEndThreadFunction)
			l_waitForInvokedProcessToEndThread.start ()
		return l_childProcessReturn

6: The Usage of the Utility Class

Hypothesizer 7
If I want to just do as I did in a section and wait until the invoked process finishes, I can just call the 'execute (a_workingDirectory: str, a_environmentVariableNameToValueMap: "Dict [str, str]", a_commandAndArguments: List [str], a_waitsUntilFinish: bool)' method like this.

@Python Source Code
from theBiasPlanet.coreUtilities.processesHandling.ProcessHandler import ProcessHandler

		l_executionResult: int = ProcessHandler.execute (None, None, ["ls", "-l"], False)

If not, I can call the 'executeAndReturnStandardInputAndOutputs (a_workingDirectoryPath: str, a_environmentVariableNameToValueMap: "Dict [str, str]", a_commandAndArguments: List [str])' method and afterward handle the returned 'ProcessHandler.StandardInputAndOutputs' object freely, for example, like this.

@Python Source Code
import sys
from theBiasPlanet.coreUtilities.processesHandling.ProcessHandler import ProcessHandler

		l_StandardInputAndOutputs: "ProcessHandler.StandardInputAndOutputs" = ProcessHandler.executeAndReturnStandardInputAndOutputs (None, None, ["ls", "-l"])
		l_StandardInputAndOutputs.printStandardErrorOutputAsynchronously ()
		l_StandardInputAndOutputs.relayStandardInputAsynchronously ()
		sys.stdout.write ("### The 1st line: {0:s}\n".format (l_StandardInputAndOutputs.getStandardOutputNextLine ()))
		l_StandardInputAndOutputs.waitUntillFinish ()


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