
152: A UNO Dispatch Commands List for Writer

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Here is a UNO dispatch commands list (under construction) for Writer.


About: UNO (Universal Network Objects)
About: LibreOffice
About: Apache OpenOffice

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Starting Context

  • The reader has knowledge on what UNO dispatch commands are.

Target Context

  • The reader will know the URLs and the contents of UNO dispatch commands.


There are some articles that explain how to execute any UNO dispatch commands and get the whole available information from the execution, in Java, in C++, in C#, in Python, and in LibreOffice or Apache OpenOffice Basic.

There is the list for the application foundations and the list for Calc of the UNO dispatch commands listed so far in this series.

Main Body

1: The UNO Dispatch Commands List

.uno:DelToEndOfSentenceWhen there is a next sentence in the current paragraph, this command deletes the characters from the text cursor to the head of the next sentence; when the text cursor is not at the tail of the current paragraph and there is no next sentence in the current paragraph, this command deletes the characters from the text cursor to the tail of the current paragraph; when the text cursor is at the tail of the current paragraph and there is no sentence or is only 1 sentence in the next paragraph, this command deletes the characters from the text cursor to the tail of the next paragraph; when the text cursor is at the tail of the current paragraph and there are at least 2 sentences in the next paragraph, this command deletes the characters from the text cursor to the head of the 2nd sentence.
.uno:DelToStartOfSentenceWhen the text cursor is not at the head of the current paragraph, this command deletes the characters from the text cursor to the head of the current sentence (if the text cursor is in a sentence) or to the head of the previous sentence (otherwise); when the text cursor is at the head of the current paragraph, if there is at least 1 sentence in the previous paragraph, this command deletes the characters from the text cursor to the head of the last sentence, otherwise, this command deletes the characters from the text cursor to the head of the previous paragraph.
.uno:ExecuteSearchThis command searches the text document for the specified string or paragraph style or with the specified regular expression. The search can be done for the next occurrence or for all the occurrences. Some criteria like case sensitivity, similarity degree, etc. can be specified. The found strings or paragraph styles can be optionally replaced with the specified replacing string or paragraph style.
.uno:GoToEndOfDocThis command places the text cursor at the tail of the document.
.uno:GoToEndOfLineThis command places the text cursor at the tail of the current line.
.uno:GoToEndOfNextPageThis command places the text cursor at the tail of the next page, if the next page exists.
.uno:GoToEndOfPageThis command places the text cursor at the tail of the current page.
.uno:GoToEndOfParaThis command places the text cursor at the tail of the current paragraph if the text cursor is not at the tail of the current paragraph or places the text cursor at the tail of the next paragraph otherwise.
.uno:GoToEndOfPrevPageThis command places the text cursor at the tail of the previous page, if the previous page exists.
.uno:GoToStartOfColumnThis command places the text cursor at the head of the current column of the current section.
.uno:GoToNextSentenceWhen the text cursor is not at the tail of the current paragraph, if there is a next sentence in the current paragraph, this command places the text cursor at the head of the sentence; otherwise, this command places the text cursor at the tail of the current paragraph; when the text cursor is at the tail of the current paragraph, if there is a 2nd sentence in the next paragraph, this command places the text cursor at the head of the sentence, otherwise, this command places the text cursor at the tail of the next paragraph.
.uno:GoToNextWordThis command places the text cursor at the head of the next word.
.uno:GoToPrevSentenceWhen there is a previous sentence in the current paragraph or when the text cursor is at the head of the current paragraph and there is a previous sentence in the previous paragraph, this command places the text cursor at the head of the sentence; otherwise, this command places the text cursor at the head of the previous paragraph.
.uno:GoToPrevWordThis command places the text cursor at the head of the current word if the text cursor is not at the head of the current word, places the text cursor at the head of the previous word if the text cursor is at the head of the current word but not at the head of the current paragraph, or places the text cursor at the tail of the previous paragraph otherwise.
.uno:GoToStartOfDocThis command places the text cursor at the head of the document.
.uno:GoToStartOfLineThis command places the text cursor at the head of the current line.
.uno:GoToStartOfNextPageThis command places the text cursor at the head of the next page, if the next page exists.
.uno:GoToStartOfPageThis command places the text cursor at the head of the current page.
.uno:GoToStartOfParaThis command places the text cursor at the head of the current paragraph if the text cursor is not at the head of the current paragraph or places the text cursor at the head of the previous paragraph otherwise.
.uno:GoToStartOfPrevPageThis command places the text cursor at the head of the previous page, if the previous page exists.
.uno:InsertPagebreakThis command inserts the page break at the current view cursor.
.uno:RemoveDirectCharFormatsThis command removes the direct characters formats at the current view cursor, when nothing is selected.
.uno:RepeatSearchThis command repeats the previous find-for-next-occurrence search.
.uno:SearchOffThis command sets search parameters for text documents. In fact, this command is meant to be called when the search-replace dialog is being closed, storing the parameters on the dialog.
.uno:SearchOptionsThis command gets the sum of the allowed search option ('search', 'search all', 'replace', 'replace all', 'regular expression search', 'backward search', etc.) flags for the document, as the related information of this command.

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