
109: The Specifications of Spread Sheet Page Style Properties

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The name, the datum type, and the value of each property of spread sheet page style are described.


About: UNO (Universal Network Objects)
About: LibreOffice
About: Apache OpenOffice

The table of contents of this article

Starting Context

  • The reader has knowledge of what the concept of 'property of UNO object' is and how to access one (if the name and the datum type are clear).

Target Context

  • The reader will know the specifications of the properties of the UNO component.


'Orientation' is meant for the passersby who don't stand in 'Starting Context' and/or aren't enthusiastic about 'Target Context'. It doesn't contain any new technical information and can be skipped by anyone who doesn't need any orientation.


Here is the list of the UNO components described so far in this series.

Main Body

1: The Specifications

* The types are UNO datum types.

* When a property is identical with another property, the property set later has the precedence.

DisplayNamestringthe style name
WritingModeshortthe script direction: '0' -> left-to-right, top-to-bottom, '1' -> right-to-left, top-to-bottom, '2' -> top-to-bottom, right-to-left
Hiddenbooleanthe sheet is hidden
UserDefinedAttributes::com::sun::star::container::XNameContainerthe user defined attributes
PageStyleLayout::com::sun::star::style::PageStyleLayoutthe way how the left page layout and the right page layout are different: 'PageStyleLayout.ALL' -> the left page layout and the right page layout are identical, 'PageStyleLayout.LEFT' -> the contents are shown only in the left pages, 'PageStyleLayout.RIGHT' -> the contents are shown only in the right pages, 'PageStyleLayout.MIRRORED' -> the left page layout and the right page layout are mirrored
NumberingTypeshortthe pages numbering type: '5' -> none, '4' -> '1, 2, 3, . . .', etc.
Size::com::sun::star::awt::Sizethe page size in hundredths of a millimeter
Widthlongthe page width in hundredths of a millimeter (identical with the width of 'Size')
Heightlongthe page height in hundredths of a millimeter (identical with the height of 'Size')
IsLandscapebooleanthe page is landscape
PrinterPaperTraystringthe printer paper tray specification name: '[From printer settings]', 'Automatically Select', etc.
LeftMarginlongthe page left margin in hundredths of a millimeter
RightMarginlongthe page right margin in hundredths of a millimeter
TopMarginlongthe page top margin in hundredths of a millimeter
BottomMarginlongthe page bottom margin in hundredths of a millimeter
BorderDistancelongthe page borders synchronized padding in hundredths of a millimeter
LeftBorderDistancelongthe page left border padding in hundredths of a millimeter
RightBorderDistancelongthe page right border padding in hundredths of a millimeter
TopBorderDistancelongthe page top border padding in hundredths of a millimeter
BottomBorderDistancelongthe page bottom border padding in hundredths of a millimeter
LeftBorder::com::sun::star::table::BorderLine2the page left border
RightBorder::com::sun::star::table::BorderLine2the page right border
TopBorder::com::sun::star::table::BorderLine2the page top border
BottomBorder::com::sun::star::table::BorderLine2the page bottom border
BackTransparentbooleanthe page background is transparent (identical with 'IsBackgroundTransparent')
BackColor::com::sun::star::util::Colorthe page background color (identical with 'BackgroundColor')
BackGraphicURLstringthe page background graphic URL: like 'vnd.sun.star.GraphicObject:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' when the graphic is not linked
BackGraphicLocation::com::sun::star::style::GraphicLocationthe page background graphic's location in the page
BackGraphicFilterstringthe page background graphic filter name: 'PNG - Portable Network Graphic', etc.
ShadowFormat::com::sun::star::table::ShadowFormatthe page shadow format
HeaderIsOnbooleanthe page header is printed (identical with 'HeaderOn')
HeaderIsSharedbooleanthe page header is shared among the left pages and the right pages (identical with 'HeaderShared')
HeaderIsDynamicHeightbooleanthe page header height is changed implicitly (identical with 'HeaderDynamic')
HeaderHeightlongthe page header height in hundredths of a millimeter
HeaderLeftMarginlongthe page header left margin in hundredths of a millimeter
HeaderRightMarginlongthe page header right margin in hundredths of a millimeter
HeaderBodyDistancelongthe page header spacing in hundredths of a millimeter
HeaderBorderDistancelongthe page header borders synchronized padding in hundredths of a millimeter
HeaderLeftBorderDistancelongthe page header left border padding in hundredths of a millimeter
HeaderRightBorderDistancelongthe page header right border padding in hundredths of a millimeter
HeaderTopBorderDistancelongthe page header top border padding in hundredths of a millimeter
HeaderBottomBorderDistancelongthe page header bottom border padding in hundredths of a millimeter
HeaderLeftBorder::com::sun::star::table::BorderLine2the page header left border
HeaderRightBorder::com::sun::star::table::BorderLine2the page header right border
HeaderTopBorder::com::sun::star::table::BorderLine2the page header top border
HeaderBottomBorder::com::sun::star::table::BorderLine2the page header bottom border
HeaderBackTransparentbooleanthe header background is transparent (identical with 'TransparentHeaderBackground')
HeaderBackColor::com::sun::star::util::Colorthe page header background color (identical with 'HeaderBackgroundColor')
HeaderBackGraphicURLstringthe page header background graphic URL: like 'vnd.sun.star.GraphicObject:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' when the graphic is not linked
HeaderBackGraphicLocation::com::sun::star::style::GraphicLocationthe page header background graphic's location in the header
HeaderBackGraphicFilterstringthe page header background graphic filter name: 'PNG - Portable Network Graphic', etc.
HeaderShadowFormat::com::sun::star::table::ShadowFormatthe page header shadow format
FooterIsOnbooleanthe page footer is printed (identical with 'FooterOn')
FooterIsSharedbooleanthe page footer is shared among the left pages and the right pages (identical with 'FooterShared')
FooterIsDynamicHeightbooleanthe page footer height is changed implicitly (identical with 'FooterDynamic')
FooterHeightlongthe page footer height
FooterLeftMarginlongthe page footer left margin in hundredths of a millimeter
FooterRightMarginlongthe page footer right margin in hundredths of a millimeter
FooterBodyDistancelongthe page footer spacing in hundredths of a millimeter
FooterBorderDistancelongthe page footer borders synchronized padding in hundredths of a millimeter
FooterLeftBorderDistancelongthe page footer left border padding in hundredths of a millimeter
FooterRightBorderDistancelongthe page footer right border padding in hundredths of a millimeter
FooterTopBorderDistancelongthe page footer top border padding in hundredths of a millimeter
FooterBottomBorderDistancelongthe page footer bottom border padding in hundredths of a millimeter
FooterLeftBorder::com::sun::star::table::BorderLine2the page footer left border
FooterRightBorder::com::sun::star::table::BorderLine2the page footer right border
FooterTopBorder::com::sun::star::table::BorderLine2the page footer top border
FooterBottomBorder::com::sun::star::table::BorderLine2the page footer bottom border
FooterBackTransparentbooleanthe page footer background is transparent (identical with 'TransparentFooterBackground')
FooterBackColor::com::sun::star::util::Colorthe page footer background color (identical with 'FooterBackgroundColor')
FooterBackGraphicURLstringthe page footer background graphic URL: like 'vnd.sun.star.GraphicObject:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' when the graphic is not linked
FooterBackGraphicLocation::com::sun::star::style::GraphicLocationthe page footer background graphic's location in the footer
FooterBackGraphicFilterstringthe page footer background graphic filter name: 'PNG - Portable Network Graphic', etc.
FooterShadowFormat::com::sun::star::table::ShadowFormatthe page footer shadow format
PrintHeadersbooleanthe row headers and the column headers are printed
PrintGridbooleanthe grid is printed
PrintZeroValuesbooleanthe zeros are printed
PrintObjectsbooleanthe auxiliary objects (the Math objects, the OLE objects, the imported charts, and the image objects) are printed
PrintFormulasbooleanthe formulae, instead of the values of them, are printed
PrintChartsbooleanthe charts are printed
PrintDrawingbooleanthe shapes are printed
PrintAnnotationsbooleanthe comments are printed
PrintDownFirstbooleanthe pages are printed downward first
FirstPageNumbershortthe first page number
PageScaleshortthe page scale in %
ScaleToPagesshortthe number of pages for the print to fit in
ScaleToPagesXshortthe horizontal number of pages for the print to fit in
ScaleToPagesYshortthe vertical number of pages for the print to fit in
CenterHorizontallybooleanthe contents are centered horizontally
CenterVerticallybooleanthe contents are centered vertically
IsBackgroundTransparentbooleanthe page background is transparent (identical with 'BackTransparent')
BackgroundColor::com::sun::star::util_Colorthe page background color (identical with 'BackColor')
HeaderOnbooleanthe page header is printed (identical with 'HeaderIsOn')
HeaderSharedbooleanthe page header is shared among the left pages and the right pages (identical with 'HeaderIsShared')
LeftPageHeaderContent::com::sun::star::sheet::XHeaderFooterContentthe left page header contents
RightPageHeaderContent::com::sun::star::sheet::XHeaderFooterContentthe right page header contents
HeaderDynamicbooleanthe page header height is changed implicitly (identical with 'HeaderIsDynamicHeight')
TransparentHeaderBackgroundbooleanthe page header background is transparent (identical with 'HeaderBackTransparent')
HeaderBackgroundColor::com::sun::star::util::Colorthe page header background color (identical with 'HeaderBackColor')
FooterOnbooleanthe page footer is printed (identical with 'FooterIsOn')
FooterSharedbooleanthe page footer is shared among the left pages and the right pages (identical with 'FooterIsShared')
LeftPageFooterContent::com::sun::star::sheet::XHeaderFooterContentthe left page footer contents
RightPageFooterContent::com::sun::star::sheet::XHeaderFooterContentthe right page footer contents
FooterDynamicbooleanthe page footer height is changed implicitly (identical with ’FooterIsDynamicHeight’)
TransparentFooterBackgroundbooleanthe page footer background is transparent (identical with 'FooterBackTransparent')
FooterBackgroundColor::com::sun::star::util::Colorthe page footer background color (identical with 'FooterBackColor')

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