Everybody? Really? Nobody? Really?
They say, "Everybody says you are a freak."
They? Who are 'they'?
The bullies.
So, bullies really inhabit the Bias planet. How do they look like?
Well, their shapes aren't particularly different from those of normal humans.
Really? Don't they have horns or pointed ears?
No, they don't.
Hmm, that's trouble. Aren't there some features by which we can discern bullies?
Well, they usually show mean facial expressions.
How mean?
It's . . . terribly mean.
I don't understand.
It's difficult to describe.
Do they always exhibit their terribly mean faces?
Unfortunately, no. They usually look as though normal humans, but suddenly, they metamorphose their faces so that you will be transfixed by horror.
It's too late if we discern bullies then. Aren't there other features?
This isn't about looks, but they use words such as 'everybody', 'all', or the like wantonly.
As in "Everybody says you are a freak."?
Yes. They are their party pieces. "Everybody hates you"; "Everybody wants you to die"; "All the Muslims are terrorists"; "All the females are inferior"; you name it.
In reverse expressions, there are expressions like "Nobody likes you"; "Nobody wants you to live"; "No Muslim is peaceful"; "No woman is competent"; you name it.
I won't have to name more.
Are you the one who was told "Everybody says you are a freak."?
Well, . . . yes.
As we are an extraterrestrial, I don't particularly deny that we are a freak, at least according to some Earthians' standards, but it's doubtful whether 'everybody' says so. In fact, most Earthians don't know even the existence of us. How can everybody say so? Who is 'everybody'?
Maybe, the ones who said so and a few others, or maybe some dozens. It doesn't seem to mean everybody on the Bias planet, the country, the city, the class, or whatever. 'Everybody' is the members of their group, how large it is; it's their world; somebody outside their group isn't included in 'everybody'.
So, for them, people outside their group just don't count.
I understand how using 'everybody' wantonly is a typical symptom of being bully. They happily divide the others from them, and don't have any scruple about the others, who are nobody at all.
Ah, the so-called 'Us versus Them' mentality.
Bullies are, in many cases, good people in their own group: they are popular and even kind, sympathetic, or whatever in their own group.
It's the same with a boss of a gang: he or she is popular in the gang; otherwise, he or she wouldn't have become a boss. Regrettably, it's also the same with democracy: someone is or at least can be elected by promoting benefits of a group and bullying the others.
Someone might say that 'everybody' is just rhetoric, but it's very harmful rhetoric!
What the rhetoric says is that somebody who isn't included in 'everybody' isn't worth consideration. That's the purpose of the rhetoric.
The baseness of rhetoric users is that they are ready with the excuse, "It was just rhetoric."
If that excuse is allowed, they can get away with saying anything.
Can't rhetoric be prohibited?
Among Earthians? There is no possibility. Earthians love rhetoric.
I know, . . . it was just rhetoric.
Another mean aspect of that kind of use of 'everybody' is that they don't claim things on his own reasoning and responsibility: they take 'everybody''s name in vain!
Well, certainly, that will be another motive of using 'everybody'.
The root of the problem is that they lack the attitude to pursue truths. Being true is being accurate. To be able to say "Everybody does . . .", one has to first confirm that each one really does so without exception. To say such a thing without verification is insensitive. Such insensitivity to accuracy sickens me!
Congregations to the bullies! Their intention is to sicken you.
Well, I seem to be duck soup.