We See Lots of Confusing Terms and Discourses
As I read some documents since we have come to the Bias planet, I see lots of confusing terms and discourses.
For example?
For example, 'serverless computing'.
What does that mean?
That seems to mean a computers system model in which servers exist in the cloud, functions are deployed on those servers, end users access those functions, and end users are billed by the measure of how much resources those accesses required.
Huh? In short, servers exist. Does someone call a system in which servers exist 'serverless'?
Actually he or she does.
Hmm, . . . it's confusing.
It's as if one calls a white box a black box.
How does such a thing happen?
Perhaps, 'serverless' really means 'the end user is unaware of the existence of servers'. So, it's as though that servers don't exist from the end user's perspective.
When I am the end user, it's I who decide whether I should be aware of the existence of servers. Why does someone have to say that I shouldn't be unaware of the existence of servers?
Certainly, it's none of his or her business.
For me, it's natural and rather inevitable to be aware of the existence of servers because otherwise where do those functions exist? Do I have to imagine functions floating in vacuum?
. . . Maybe, 'serverless' means 'servers aren't owned by the end user'. So, 'servers-not-owned-by-the-end-user computing' would be more appropriate.
'Not being owned' is very different from 'not existing'. . . . I understand that Earthians don't like such a long name, but I guess the another name mentioned in the Wikipedia page, 'function as a service (FaaS)', will be enough.
Many Earthians love inaccurate terms like 'serverless computing' because they think that such terms have more impacts.
I understand that it's a manifestation of a tendency: to prioritize to fawn on the intuition over to be accurate.
As an another example, I read some discourses about 'money creation' or 'credit creation'.
What's wrong with them?
Actually, I don't say that they are incorrect, but I say they don't touch the essence of the issue, tell about unrealistic cases, and unnecessarily cause confusion.
We Should Dissolve Wonder
When I read typical discourses about 'money creation', I feel like I was tricked.
You feel like you were tricked because your understanding isn't enough: the whole of your understandings don't fit together in your head. It's a sign that your system of understandings needs a revision.
In other words, it's a chance to improve our system of understandings.
The same applies to so-called wonder. You feel wonder because some new information doesn't fit into your system of understandings. It's a chance to radically improve our system of understandings.
So, we shouldn't leave wonder as it is: we should dissolve wonder.
- Wikipedia. (2017/04/05). Serverless computing. Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serverless_computing